четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining. Threat to Bitcoin? Quantum computer more powerful than Google's. Can Bitcoin Survive Quantum Computers? | Crypto Briefing

Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining. Threat to Bitcoin? Quantum computer more powerful than Google's. Can Bitcoin Survive Quantum Computers? | Crypto Briefing

3 Million Bitcoin in 2 Seconds: Google Quantum Computer

Address types

Bitcoin transactions allow for a custom logic to be implemented, enabling a myriad of financial transaction types such as escrow and shared ownership. However, for the purpose of this article, we restrict ourselves to simple person-to-person payments. These can be divided into 2 categories, each affected differently by a quantum computer.

In the first type, a public key directly serves as the Bitcoin address of the recipient. A transaction to such an address is called ‘pay to public key’ (p2pk) for obvious reasons. In the early days of Bitcoin, in 2009, this was the dominant address type. Many of the original coins mined by Satoshi Nakamoto himself are still stored in such addresses. One of the issues with these addresses is the lack of a mechanism to detect mistyping of addresses (for Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining a last checksum digit which is used, for example, in credit card numbers). An additional problem is that these addresses are very long, which results in a larger transaction file and therefore longer processing time. Regarding the threat from a quantum computer, the public key is directly obtainable from the address. Since all transactions in Bitcoin are public, anyone can obtain the public key from any p2pk address. A quantum computer running Shor’s algorithm could then be used Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining derive the private key from this address. This Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining allow an adversary who has a quantum computer to spend the coins that the address had.

In the second type of transaction, the address of the recipient is composed of a hash of the public key. As a hash is a one-way cryptographic function, the public key is not directly revealed by the address. The first and most popular implementation of this is called ‘pay to public Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining hash’ (p2pkh) and was designed to solve the two issues described above (checksum and address length, for a more elaborate explanation we refer to this page. As was mentioned above, the public key cannot be retrieved from the address. The public key is only revealed at the moment when the owner wishes to initiate a transaction. This means that as long as funds have never been transferred from a p2pkh address, Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining public key is not known and the private key cannot be derived using a quantum computer. There is a ‘but’ though! If funds are ever transferred from a specific p2pkh address (no matter what amount), the public key is revealed. From that moment on, this address is marked "used" and should ideally not be used again to receive new coins. In fact, many wallets are programmed to avoid address reuse as best they can. Avoiding the reuse of addresses is considered best practice for Bitcoin users, but you would be surprised how many people do not take this advice to heart. More on that in the following chapter.

How Screwed is Bitcoin?

Who Will Mine Cryptocurrency in the Future - Quantum Computers or the Human Body?

Companies including Microsoft, IBM and Google, race to come up with cheap and effective mining solutions to improve its cost and energy efficiency. Lots of fuss has been made around quantum computing and its potential for mining. Now, the time has come for a new solution - mining with the help of human body activity.

While quantum computers are said to bitcon able to hack bitcoin mining algorithms, using physical activity for the process is quite a new and extraordinary thing. The question is, which technology turns out to be more efficient?

Quantum computer with increased capacity

Currently, bitdoin the traditional cryptocurrency mining methods, the reward for mining a bitcoin block is around 12.5 bitcoins, at $4k per BTC and this should quickly be paid off after mining a few blocks.

Consequently, the best mining method as per now is to keep trying random numbers and wait to observe which one hashes to a number that isn’t more than the target difficulty. And this is one of the reasons as to why mining pools have arisen where multiple Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining are functioning in parallel to look for the proper solution to the problem and if one of the PCs gets the solution, then the pool is given an appropriate reward which is then shared among all the miners. 

Quantum computers possess more capacity and might potentially be able to significantly speed up mining while eliminating the need for numerous machines. Thus, it can improve both energy Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining and the speed of compiter

In late 2019, Google released a quantum processor called Sycamore, many times faster than the existing supercomputer. There was even a post in the medium claiming that this new processor is able to mine all remaining bitcoins like in two seconds. Sometime later the post was deleted due to an error Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining calculations, according to the Bitcoinist news outlet. 

Mining mininb by performing ordinary activities

Despite quantum computing having the potential to increase the efficiency of mining, its cost is close to stratospheric. It would probably take time before someone is able to afford it.

Meanwhile, another global tech giant, Microsoft, offers a completely new and extraordinary solution - Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining mine cryptos using a person’s brain waves or body temperature. As coinidol. com, a world blockchain news outlet has reported,  they have filed a patent for a groundbreaking system which can mine digital currencies using the data collected from human beings when they view ads or do exercises. 

The IT giant disclosed that sensors could identify and diagnose any activity connected with the particular piece(s) of work like the time taken to read advertisements, and modify it into digital information that is readable by a computing device to do computation works, the same manner as a conventional proof-of-work (PoW) system works. Some tasks would either decrease or soar computational energy in an appropriate manner, basing on the produced amount of info from the user’s activity. 

Time will tell

So far, there is no Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining showing when Microsoft will start developing the system and it is still uncertain whether or Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining this system will be developed on its own blockchain network. Quantum computing also needs time to be mmining developed and deployed. 

However, both solutions bear a significant potential for transforming the entire mining industry. While quantum computing is able to boost the existing mining mechanism, having eliminated high energy-consuming mining firms, Microsoft’s new vss can disrupt the industry making it even Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining different.

Which of these two solutions turns out to be more viable? We will see over time. What do you Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining about these mining solutions? Let us know in the comments below! 

Could Quantum Computing Be Used to Crack Cryptocurrency?


Quantum computing is typically feared due to its potential to render bitcoin obsolete by cracking its cryptography. However, bictoin analyst alleges that there may be a much simpler way to do it: by beating bitcoin Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining its own game.

The Quantum Threat

A Medium post theorized on the capabilities of the quantum computer, "Sycamore," Google's latest quantum breakthrough. Sycamore, which allegedly gave Google "quantum Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining has apparently managed to perform a benchmark computation in 200 seconds - beating the world's fastest supercomputer by around 10,000 years.

Almost instantly following this news, a fervor of panic erupted within the crypto community. Talks of obsoletion were on the table, and conversations as to how to combat this new quantum threat were discussed at length.

Though, for the most part, anxieties subdued, and the hyperbole was seen for what it was, that is until the aforementioned Medium post was published.

Based on Google's benchmark performance tests, the post hypothesized that the remaining 3 million bitcoin still left to mine could be extracted by Sycamore in under than 2 xomputer, the since-deleted post got a few things wrong. First, the calculation made by the author suggested that 1 BTC was produced every 10 minutes. This is wrong. In actuality, the network currently yields 12.5 BTC approximately every 10 minutes. This miscalculation alone would throw the theory out to some degree already.

Yet, there are other glaring omissions. The post fails to include the difficult readjustment which occurs Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining 2016 blocks. If a quantum computer did manage to mine all 2016 blocks, the network would simply adjust the difficulty, bottlenecking Sycamore's further attempts. Still, in reality, the likelihood of bitcoin network being able to produce a difficulty minig of this level is improbable.

Quantum Computers Could 'Break' Bitcoin 

Nevertheless, the author is right in a sense. Any attempt from a quantum computer to mine BTC could credibly result in the denigration of the network. This is because a difficulty level set to match quantum computer would make it so that only another -- more powerful machine -- would be able to compete to mine the remaining BTC; that is, as long as the original attempt didn't wholly ravage the minnig in the first place.

Regardless, the notion of Sycamore or any other quantum computer targeting cryptocurrency is pretty ludicrous. Besides, Bictoin Antonopolous, a bitcoin advocate who has been relatively vocal on this subject, suggests that bitcoin is not the issue we should be worried about. 

If we get quantum computers Quantum computer vs bitcoin mining can do thousands of qubits without a correction and consistent results, we have a much bigger problem. The bigger problem we have is that the entire world’s classified communications, confidential communications, financial systems etc, all depend on cryptography today.

In order to defend against any threat, worldwide communications would have to be upgraded to a quantum-resistant standard. Ironically, this is far easier for cryptocurrencies than it would be for global communications systems.   

Featured Image Credit: Photo via Pixabay. com

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