четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041. Technology of mining. All about cryptocurrency - BitcoinWiki. 12.04 - Mining feathercoins in ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu

Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041. Technology of mining. All about cryptocurrency - BitcoinWiki. 12.04 - Mining feathercoins in ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu


One week ago we published our Monero Mining Benchmarks: CPU Mining Butcoin Select Dual Intel Xeon E5 Systems article. At the end Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 that article, and in the STH forums we posted a quick how-to instruction guide for using Docker on Ubuntu Linux, CentOS or any other Linux operating system and mining Ubintu. In the past week since we published that article, we have now had Over 50,000 pulls from our Docker hub repository which is an amazing response. Today we are going to have Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 formal guide on running the Docker-based CPU miner.

The Quick Monero Background

At the turn of 2017, and for the past several years, Bitcoin has been the largest cryptocurrency by far. Monero is a cryptocurrency that put an emphasis on privacy and is considered significantly more anonymous than Bitcoin. As a result, Monero has moved from a $0.50 / 1 XMR currency a year ago to $12.50/ 1 XMR as of today. That movement, and the privacy focus, has made Monero a top 5 cryptocurrency and pushed it into the mainstream with even a recent WIRED article on the currency.

The advantage of this has been Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 Monero is now very easy to exchange and has tools that are more mature than several other cryptocurrencies. For STH readers there is a larger implication. Unlike Bitcoin mining which is dominated by ASICs, Monero is currently best mined Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 GPUs. CPU mining can be profitable as well. That means STH readers have the infrastructure able to mine Monero.

CPU Mining with Monero and Docker

There are hundreds of questions out there on how to mine Monero with CPUs and various Linux distributions. Docker and our pre-made container makes that ridiculously simple. There is no more dependency hunting, build troubleshooting, or other work. Just a simple command to run the popular Wolf’s CPU miner.

Just to give you ubunth idea of how easy this is to setup and use, within 8 days we rocketed past 50K Docker Hub pulls on our minergate image.

We did account for a few dozen of these pulls when we deployed it using Docker Swarm on our test cluster.

Step 0: Install Docker (if it is not ubunut you want to install Docker you can either use your standard package manager or the company makes a one-liner install script that works on ubutnu platforms. Installing anything downloaded directly is Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 so use this at your own risk:

You will also likely want to use the usermod bigcoin command at the end of the installation script so you can use Docker without having ybuntu sudo every time. If you do not, you can just append sudo to the start of the following commands.

Step 1: Determine a Pool and Get a Wallet

We recommend mining in a pool to get started. If you want to mine in a mininy, some of the more popular are minergate and moneropool. With Minergate, you can simply sign-up and start mining using an e-mail address (even a throw-away one.) Using other pools like moneropool you Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 want to get a wallet. Perhaps the easiest way to get a wallet is using MyMonero. If bitconi are using Minergate, XMR will be stored Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 your account so you do not technically need another wallet.

Step 2: Start Mining

The final step in the process is to start mining. Here is the command you can use mkning do CPU mining on your Docker server using the Minergate pool:

Replace example@example. com with your Minergate username. We do not take vitcoin shares bitcoim using our image but we do appreciate using the STH affiliate link when you sign up.

If you want to use Moneropool there is a very similar command:

Here you should replace example@example. com with your Monero wallet address. Likewise if you want to use xmrpool. net:

Again replacing your wallet address for example@example. com.

We are using - itd to launch the Docker containers but you can instead use simply - d. We assume most getting started with Docker hitcoin be interested in jbuntu performance which is why the commands above will print information to the console.

After the username you can override and set the number of threads you want to use by adding a numthreads environment variable. For example, if you wanted bticoin use only 12 cores in a system:

That will allow you to run these images alongside other applications.

Final Words

That is it! With any of the above one-liners you can mine Monero on a Docker host using a single command. We created these containers, and are using Wolf’s miner Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 so they are easy to deploy across a Docker Swarm. You can even use web management tools like Portainer uvuntu Rancher to deploy these as low priority containers across bitdoin clusters within seconds.

We also have NVIDIA GPU miners we run with nvidia-docker that you can read about following that link. If you have any issues getting started or just want to chat with a community using this, head over to the STH forums. If you are sick of reading Docker how-to guides with do-nothing nginx containers, this is also a great way to learn Docker and earn a few dollars in the process. The vision 0441 this is to use excess server compute capacity and data center power (e. g. power that is being paid for miing unused) to earn a healthy cost recovery stream.


Patrick Kennedy

Https://www. servethehome. com

Patrick has been Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 STH since 2009 and covers a wide variety of SME, SMB, and SOHO IT topics. Patrick is a consultant in the technology industry and has worked with numerous large hardware and storage vendors in the Silicon Valley. The goal of STH is simply to Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 users find some information about server, storage and networking, building blocks. If you have any helpful information please feel free to post on the forums.

Your Answer

10 steps to implement and deploy your Bitcoin Mining Rigs

    1. Setup bitcoin mining pool accounts Assuming you are not solo mining, you will need to create account with 1 or more bitcoin mining pools. Discussed insection 12.2. Find a location for your bitcoin miners You will need to find a good place that you can keep your bitcoin mining rigs. Somewhere they will not be bothered. No kids, pets, weather, or other interferences.3. Ensure location quality / resources (Internet, power, cooling) You will need to ensure that wherever you keep you bitcoin mining rigs you have: An internet connection, enough power, and a suitable operating temperature with enough airflow. Discussed in section 6, 7, and 8.4. Asses your budget Determine how much money you have, and want to invest in bitcoin miners. Weigh the profit, loss, and risks. Discussed in section 2, and 3.5. Decide on hardware and purchase hardware You will need to select Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 purchase the best hardware according to your budget. All this is explained in section 4.6. Build, configure, and test bitcoin rigs You will need to be capable of building these machines from scratch. Without the knowledge of building computers, it is going to be difficult to be successful in running your own bitcoin mining rig. You must know the ins and outs of these beasts. Also discussed in section 4.7. Obtain and implement software and scripts There are many options to choose from. Will you be using Windows, or Linux? What kind of Bitcoin mining software will you choose? Will you decide to automate your bitcoin mining rigs? The questions will never end. Learn more in section 11.8. Setup bitcoin proxy Now that you have everything setup, you could centralize everything using a bitcoin proxy. This will always keep your login information the same, and allow you to manage mining Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 and workers very easily. Discussed in section 13.9. Deploy Finally, deploy your bitcoin miners, and start generating bitcoins!10. Overclock When everything is running smoothly, get even more performance out of your GPUs by overclocking them. Discussed in section 9.














Some of these answers were derived from https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/ under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Explaining Bitcoin mining…


Simple definition: Bitcoin mining is the process of creating or generating new Bitcoins.

Technical definition: Mining is the process of spending computation power to find valid blocks and thus create new Bitcoins. Technically speaking, mining is the calculation of a hash of the a block header, which includes among other things a reference to the previous block, a hash of a set of transactions and a nonce. If the hash value is found to be less than the current target (which is inversely proportional to the difficulty), a new block is formed and the miner gets 50 newly generated Bitcoins. If the hash is not less than the current target, a new nonce is tried, and a new hash is calculated. This is done millions of times per second by each miner.

Common question: Is mining used Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 some useful computation? The computations done when mining are internal to Bitcoin and not related to any other distributed computing projects. They serve the purpose of securing the Bitcoin network, which is useful. 1.4WHY WOULD I WANT TO MINE FOR BITCOINS? Good question! Here are some of my reasons:

For fun Building Bitcoin mining rigs is fun, well, if you a geek. I have thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of building, configuring, testing, and occasionally fist fighting with these machines. Okay, but now Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 real reason…

Money If anyone tells you otherwise, the real reason why everyone wants to mine for bitcoins is because you can make money! Yes, that’s right… How you ask? Well, it’s very simple, currently there are millions of US Dollars, British Pounds, and Euros being traded for bitcoins everyday through online marketplaces! In these systems, users Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 buys and sells themselves on the exchange and the price is set by the market. The exchange usually Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 as a mutual platform between the 2 parties holding people’s funds and performing the trade. The exchange may take a small percent or charge a fee Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 withdrawals/deposits as their cost. Not only that, there are plenty of online stores that accept bitcoin as currency. You can buy things like electronics, books, music, games, clothing, and more! Without going Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 too much detail, you can get all the nitty gritty right here:https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Trade

WHAT IS A BITCOIN MINING RIG? A mining rig is a computer system used for mining Bitcoins. The rig might be a dedicated miner where it was procured, built and operated specifically for mining or it could otherwise be a computer that fills other needs, such as performing as a gaming system, and is used to mine Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 on a part-time basis. You should read this wiki page for more Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 information, and example Bitcoin mining rig configurations: https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Mining_rig

WHAT IS GPU MINING? GPU mining is the process of using a graphics card (also known as a video card or graphics card) for Bitcoin computations. GPU mining has become the primary form of generating new bitcoins, as appose to using a CPU. The GPU, or graphics processing unit, is a part of the video rendering system of a computer. The typical function Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 a GPU is to assist with the rendering of 3D graphics and visual effects so that the CPU doesn’t have to.

WHAT IS CPU MINING? CPU mining is the process of using a a CPU for Bitcoin computations. CPU mining has become less Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 since GPU mining has been found to be up to 800+ times faster. The CPU, or central processing unit is usually a removable component that plugs into the computer’s main circuit board, or motherboard and sits underneath a large, metallic heat sink which usually has a fan, a few are cooled by water. A CPU is designed primarily to be an executive and make decisions, as directed by the software. For example, if you type a document and save it, it is the CPU’s job to turn your document into the appropriate file type and direct the hard disk to write it as Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 file. CPU’s can also do all kinds of math, as inside every CPU is one or more “Arithmetic/Logic Units” (ALU’s). CPU’s are also highly capable of following instructions of the Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 this, do that, otherwise do something else”. A large bulk of the structures inside a CPU are concerned with making sure that the CPU is ready to deal with having to switch to a different task on a moment’s notice when needed. CPU’s also have to deal with quite a few other things which add complexity, including:

    Enforcing privilege levels and the boundaries between user programs and the operating systemcreating the illusion of “virtual memory” to programsfor the most popular processors, being backwards compatible with legacy code1.6WHY A GPU MINES FASTER THAN A CPU

Some Bitcoin users might wonder why there is a huge disparity between the mining output of a CPU versus a GPU. A GPU is like a CPU, but there are important internal differences that make them suited toward their special tasks. These are the differences that make Bitcoin mining far more favorable on a GPU. A CPU core can execute 4 32-bit instructions per clock (using a 128-bit SSE instruction) or 8 via AVX (256-Bit), whereas a GPU like the Radeon HD 5970 can execute 3200 32-bit instructions per clock (using its 3200 ALUs or shaders). This is a difference of 800 (or 400 in case of AVX) Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 more instructions per clock. As of 2011, the fastest CPUs have up to 6, 8, or 12 cores and a somewhat higher frequency clock (2000-3000 MHz vs. 725 MHz for the Radeon HD 5970), but one HD5970 is still more than five times faster than four 12-core CPUs at 2.3GHz (which would also set you back about $4700 rather than $350 for the HD5970). A GPU is very different. Yes, a GPU can do math, and can also do “this” and “that” based on specific conditions. However, GPUs have been designed so they are very good at doing video processing, and less executive work. Video processing is a lot of repetitive work, since it is constantly being told to do the same thing to large groups of pixels on the screen. In order to make this run efficiency, video processors are far heavier on the ability to do repetitive work, than the ability to rapidly switch tasks. GPUs have large numbers of ALU’s, more so than CPU’s. As a result, they can do large amounts of bulky mathematical labor in a greater quantity than CPU’s. For more info on this topic go here: https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Why_a_GPU_mines_faster_than_a_CPU Investment

HOW MUCH MONEY DO I HAVE TO INVEST? Ahh, this is a good question I am often asked, and it can be interpreted 2 different ways:

A. How much money do I actually have available to invest in Bitcoin mining? Well, it’s pretty obvious that only you know the answer to that question. If you can’t answer this question, I suggest you login to your online banking and start keeping better track of your finances

B. How much money is required in order for me to start mining for Bitcoins? This was the question you were probably referring to. And unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question. Assuming you have a computer, you can already begin mining for Bitcoins! Yes that is correct! Using your current computers CPU, or GPU you can actually begin generating Bitcoins Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 various available free software (depending on your operating system). The bad news is that unless you have done the research or actually customized your computer for this type of performance, chances are that you really won’t be able to generate Bitcoins at Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 feasible rate to make any money (in your lifetime at least). If you have some money readily available for investment, and based Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 my current experience you can build a GPU mining machine for as low as about $288. However, that would be with very low-level mining machine with only 1 GPU capable of generating at small mhash rate. I’ll explain what mhash means in section 5.3.

HOW MUCH MONEY DO I WANT TO INVEST? This is a tricky question, and all depends on how big of a risk taker you are. I like to put my money to work so I’m a big fan of Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041. Anywhere that I can put money, and turn it into more money is usually all I need to hear. But, the most important thing is analyzing your risk and loss. Let’s be honest, Bitcoin as a currency is the first of its kind, so we really can’t be sure how stable it is, or Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 long it’s going to be around. Maybe one day the price will crash, as we’ve seen the price has fluctuated pretty violently at times. Maybe governments will get involved, shutting it down, making it illegal, etc. Maybe people will one day just begin to de-value Bitcoin, and no longer accept it as currency. There are various downfalls that can come about, but here is the way I look at my investment losses; If the worst possible thing happens, which is Bitcoin ceasing to exist PERIOD, what am I left with? Essentially, I am left with a lot of valuable hardware, which is in perfectly good condition. Many people would probably pay some good money for these computers on Ebay or other marketplaces. These machines are a gamers dream with their video rendering capabilities. Not to mention that they each can support up to 18 monitors! They would be great for stock brokers Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 day traders. Bottom line is, I can probably sell this equipment and make back 70%-75% of my initial investment. Therefor I have my conclusion; I am willing to take Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 risk in a chance of losing 30% of my investment, and to me it is worth the risk. Some of you won’t be okay with that, by that is why it’s called an INVESTMENT: “A thing that is worth buying because it may be profitable or useful in the future.”

HOW MUCH MONEY DID YOU PERSONALLY INVEST? If you want to know how much I spent on each machine, I’ll say it flat out: About $1,600 per machine including shipping. Each machine is currently capable of calculating 1,071 mhash/s. Yes my GPUs are overclocked and we’ll discuss that later in section 9.1. I also post my exact hardware configuration, and the links to where I purchased it in section 4.4. Return on Investment (ROI) 3.1

WHAT IS THE CURRENT VALUE OF BITCOIN? The current monetary value of Bitcoin can be determined by going to http://Bitcoincharts. com/markets/ At the time of my writing this article, the current value is about $14 USD per Bitcoin. Of course this price is subject to change and will fluctuate. I’ve seen Bitcoin as high as $28 USD, and have seen many people sell at that price too. The price of Bitcoin will unquestionably be one of the two primary factors of your ROI. When started building my rigs, the price of Bitcoin was $20 – $24. At that time, I calculated my ROI to take about 2 months. Obviously, that has changed, and I will explain more in section 3.4 below.3.2

HOW MANY BITCOINS CAN I GENERATE PER DAY? This depends on 3 main factors:

A. Are you using a Bitcoin Pool or Solo Mining? (More info in section 12.1)

B. What is the current difficulty rate? (More info in section 3.3)

C. What kind of hardware are you using? (More info in section 4.1) Using this calculator, you can get a pretty good estimate of how many Bitcoins you can generate, and Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 much money you could make if you sell those Bitcoins for USD.

WHAT IS BITCOIN DIFFICULTY LEVEL Difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to find a new block compared to the easiest it can ever be. The difficulty changes every 2016 blocks. The following is the formula, which calculates the difficulty: difficulty = maximum_target / current_target (target is a 256 bit number)

What is the maximum difficulty? The maximum Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 is roughly: maximum_target / 1, which is a ridiculously huge number (about 2^224). The actual maximum difficulty is when current_target=0, but we would not be able to calculate the difficulty if that happened. (fortunately it never will, so we’re ok.)

Can the difficulty go down? Yes it can. See discussion in target.

What is the minimum difficulty? The minimum difficulty, when the target is at the maximum allowed value, is 1. For more information on Difficulty please see: https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Difficulty I also suggest reading about Blocks: https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Block

HOW WILL THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL AFFECT MY BITCOIN MINING? A simple answer: The higher the difficulty rate is, the harder it is to create Bitcoins. There, that was simple If you want more detailed information, see section above. Hardware

WHAT KIND OF HARDWARE DO I NEED? In order to mine for Bitcoins, you generally need the same hardware as a regular Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 such as: Motherboard, CPU, Power Supply, Memory (RAM), GPU, Harddrive OR USB Flash drive Additionally you may need some other components such as: Ethernet cable, Keyboard, Mouse, and Monitor. The Keyboard, Mouse, and Monitor components are only required for the initial setup Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 configuration, and do not need to be connected in order to actually continue mining. Some other components are optional such as a computer case, Hard drive, and CD-Rom drive.

WHAT IS THE BEST HARDWARE TO GET FOR MY BUCK? I won’t spend too much time on this question because there is an extremely helpful list of hardware for example Bitcoin mining rigs, and where to purchase. It is posted below: I also provide a list of the exact hardware that I purchased for my rigs in section 4.4 below. I did a lot of research before buying my hardware, although I did not see the list shown below before making my purchases, so consider yourself lucky! Prices are always changing and hardware always goes down in cost, so I definitely encourage you Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 do some research on your own too. Here are a few main things to keep in mind:

Motherboard: You want find a motherboard with as many PCIe x16 or PCIe x8 slots as possible. This will determine how many GPUs you will be able to use in your rig.

CPU: Although we are going to be using our GPUs to mine for Bitcoins, you still need a decent CPU in order to keep the machine stable. I would reccomend any of the following types of CPUs in order from worst to Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 Dual Core, Quad Core, Corei3, Corei5, Corei7. I listed only intel CPUs since they are most common. Here is a great resource for CPU benchmarks / prices: http://www. cpubenchmark. net/

GPU: This will be your most important investment since it is the main factor in dtermining

RAM: You don’t Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 much ram at all 1-2 GB should Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 just fine.

This list of hardware is from: https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Mining_rigTypical Dedicated Miner Configurations Using a TowerOne ATI 5830, Approximately 245 Mhash/s

Power SupplyRosewill Green Series RG530-S12 530W, 80 PLUS CertifiedNewEgg$50
MotherboardFoxconn M61PMP-K AMDNewEgg$45
CPUAMD Sempron 140NewEgg or Amazon$38
Memory2GB DDR3NewEgg$17
Graphics cardRadeon HD 5830NewEgg or Amazon($153)$110
Case FanN/aN/aN/a
StorageWestern Digital Caviar 80GBNewEgg$17
Media DriveDVD Rom DriveN/aN/a
Keyboard, Mouse and DisplayN/aN/aN/a

Three ATI 5770s, Approximately 630 Mhash/s

Power SupplyRosewill Green Series RG530-S12 530W, 80 PLUS CertifiedNewEgg$50
MotherboardASRock 890GX EXTREME4NewEgg$125
CPUAMD Sempron 130NewEgg$30
Memory2GB DDR3NewEgg$17
Graphics cardSapphire Radeon HD5770 1GB DDR5Superbiiz orAmazon$339 ($113 x 3)
StorageWestern Digital Caviar 80GBNewEgg$17

Two ATI 5850s, Approximately 600 Mhash/s

Power SupplyCORSAIR Builder Series CX600 V2 600W80 PLUS CertifiedNewEgg$70
MotherboardMSI 870-G45 AM3 AMD 770 ATXAmazon or NewEgg ($5 more)$70
CPUAMD Sempron 140NewEgg or Amazon (same price)$39
Memory2GB DDR3NewEgg$17
Graphics cardSapphire Radeon HD 5850 XTREMEAmazon$322 ($161 x 2)
Case FanN/aN/aN/a
StorageWestern Digital Caviar 80GBNewEgg$17
Media DriveDVD Rom DriveN/aN/a
Keyboard, Mouse and DisplayN/aN/aN/a

Three ATI 5850s, Approximately 900 Mhash/s

Power SupplyPC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W, 80 PLUS Silver CertifiedDirectron$120
MotherboardMSI 890FXA-GD70Amazon$195
CPUAMD Sempron 140NewEgg orAmazon$39
Memory2GB DDR3NewEgg$17
Graphics cardSapphire Radeon HD 5850 XTREMEAmazon$483 ($161 x 3)
Case FanN/aN/aN/a
StorageWestern Digital Caviar 80GBNewEgg$17
Media DriveDVD Rom DriveN/aN/a
Keyboard, Mouse and DisplayN/aN/aN/a

Three ATI 6990s, Approximately 2.1 Ghash/s

ChassisCoolerMaster HAF XAmazon$179
Power SupplySILVERSTONE ST1500 1500W, 80 PLUS Silver CertifiedNewegg$365
MotherboardMSI 890FXA-GD70Amazon$195
CPUAMD Sempron 140NewEgg orAmazon$39
Memory2GB DDR3NewEgg$17
Graphics card3 * Radeon HD 6990NewEgg$2220 ($740 × 3)
StorageWestern Digital Caviar 80GBNewEgg$17
Keyboard, Mouse and DisplayN/a

Typical Dedicated Miner Configurations Using a Rack MountBudget AMD Sempron / Dual ATI 6990: Approximately 1.4 Ghash/s

ChassisIPC-4370S 4UP-Link Computer$85 (incl s/h)
Power SupplyPC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W, 80 PLUS Silver CertifiedDirectron$120
MotherboardMSI 870-G45 AM3 AMD 770 ATXAmazon or NewEgg ($5 more)$70
CPUAMD Sempron 140NewEgg or Amazon$39
Memory2GB DDR3NewEgg$17
Graphics card2 * Radeon HD 6990NewEgg$1480 ($740 × 2)
StorageWestern Digital Caviar 80GBNewEgg$17
Keyboard, Mouse and DisplayN/a

Typical Multipurpose Miner ConfigurationsHigh-end Intel-based miner/gaming rig: single ATI Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, Approximately 750 Mhash/s

ChassisCoolerMaster HAF 932Amazon$140
Power SupplyPC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W, 80 PLUS Silver CertifiedDirectron$120
MotherboardMSI P67A-GD65Amazon$173
CPUIntel i5-2500kAmazon$220
MemoryG. SKILL Value Series 4GBNewEgg$30
Graphics cardRadeon HD 6990NewEgg$734
Heat Sink FanCoolerMaster Hyper212+NewEgg$40
StorageSeagate 1TB 7200RPM HDDNewEgg$70
Media DriveASUS DVD-RWNewEgg$22
KeyboardLITE-ON SK-1788/BS PS/2 KeyboardNewEgg$8
MouseV7 M30P20-7N PS/2 MouseNewEgg$7
DisplayLG IPS231P-BN Black 23″ 6ms IPSNewEgg$250

High-end AMD-based miner/gaming rig: single ATI 6990, Approximately 750 Mhash/s

ChassisCoolerMaster HAF 932Amazon$140
Power SupplyPC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W, Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 PLUS Silver CertifiedDirectron$120
MotherboardBiostar TA890FXENewEgg$140
CPUAMD Phenom II x6 1100T Black EditionAmazon$190
MemoryG. SKILL Value Series 4GBNewEgg$30
Graphics cardRadeon HD 6990NewEgg$734
Heat Sink FanCoolerMaster Hyper212+NewEgg$40
StorageSeagate 1TB 7200RPM HDDNewEgg$70
Media DriveASUS DVD-RWNewEgg$22
KeyboardLITE-ON SK-1788/BS PS/2 KeyboardNewEgg$8
MouseV7 M30P20-7N PS/2 MouseNewEgg$7
DisplayLG IPS231P-BN Black 23″ 6ms IPSNewEgg$250

Mid-level AMD-based miner/gaming/workstation rig: single ATI 6870, Approximately 300 Mhash/s

ChassisCoolerMaster Centurion 5NewEgg$50
Power SupplyPC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk II 950W, 80 PLUS Silver CertifiedDirectron$120
MotherboardASRock 890GX Pro3NewEgg$110
CPU (incl. stock heatsink + fan)AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black EditionNewEgg$114
MemoryG. SKILL Value Series 4GBNewEgg$30
Graphics cardRadeon HD 6870Amazon$165
StorageSeagate 1TB 7200RPM HDDNewEgg$70
Media DriveASUS DVD-RWNewEgg$21
KeyboardLITE-ON SK-1788/BS PS/2 KeyboardNewEgg$8
MouseV7 M30P20-7N PS/2 MouseNewEgg$7
DisplayHANNspree By Hanns-G HF225DPB 21.5″NewEgg$120

Mid-level Intel-based miner/gaming/workstation rig: single ATI 6870, Approximately 300 Mhash/s

ChassisCoolerMaster Centurion 5NewEgg$50
Power SupplyAntec Earthwatts EA-650 GREEN 650W, 80 PLUS BRONZE certifiedNewEgg$65
MotherboardMSI PH67S-C43 (B3)NewEgg$85
CPU (incl. stock heatsink + fan)Intel Core i3-2100Amazon$122
MemoryG. SKILL Value Series 4GBNewEgg$30
Graphics cardRadeon HD 6870Amazon$165
StorageSeagate 1TB 7200RPM HDDNewEgg$70
Media DriveASUS DVD-RWNewEgg$21
KeyboardLITE-ON SK-1788/BS PS/2 KeyboardNewEgg$8
MouseV7 M30P20-7N PS/2 MouseNewEgg$7
DisplayHANNspree By Hanns-G HF225DPB 21.5″NewEgg$120

4.3AM I CAPABLE OF BUILDING THESE MACHINES FROM SCRATCH? The first question I would ask is: Have you ever built your own computer? If the answer is yes, then there is probably no reason why you can’t build a Bitcoin mining machine yourself either. It requires standard desktop hardware, just like you would use to build a personal computer. If you have never built your own computer, I’m not sure whether or not I should encourage you to move forward and try to build one. If you have a friend or colleague with experience who can help you out, I Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 say don’t hesitate! Even if you are pretty handy with electronics, and know about computers or Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 components that comprise them, then here are a few guides on how to build your own computer: http://www. build-your-own-computers. com/http://www. kitchentablecomputers. com/started. phphttp://www. build-gaming-computers. com/http://www. pcworld. com/article/203950/how_to_build_your_own_pc_part_1.htmlhttp://www. youtube. com/watch? v=QQQ30QoF_-8 There are plenty of resources out there, do some googling: “How to build your own computer”. 4.4WHAT EXACT HARDWARE DID YOU USE FOR YOUR BITCOIN MINERS? Below is the exact hardware that I bought for my rigs. You will notice that the graphics cards that I purchased for my rigs may currently out of stock on Newegg (ASUS Radeon 6950). However, we will discuss various other graphic card choices in the next section. There are even better cards available but all depends on your budget. Also, I am aware that I Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 have gotten some of these compnents Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 cheaper if I shopped around more. The bottom line is I like Newegg They are prompt, shipping is fast, and always reliable. I’d rather buy all my parts from the same vendor, and 99% of the time it isNewegg. com.

GPU Mining 5.1WHERE Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 I COMPARE GRAPHICS CARDS (GPUS)? The following link, is a VERY important one. It should be your bible in choosing, and comparing available GPUs that are on the market: https://en. bitcoin. it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison Luckily, they recently added “20 Popular Mining Cards” to this document, I’ll include it below. This wiki page lists out every GPU, the model, the mhash/s (discussed in section 5.3), the slot type, watts, clock, and other notes related to overclocking and configuration. Mhash is explained in the next section: 5.3

    Mhash/s: millions hashes per second (raw speed performance ; may not be very energy efficient with some models)Mhash/J: millions hashes per joule (energy efficiency ; 1 joule of energy is spent for 1 watt in 1 second)Watts: (maximum power consumption, i. e. energy per unit of time : 1 W = 1 J/s)Clock: (in MHz) refers to the Shader clock only with nVidia cards (not Core or Memory). With AMD card the shader clock is not separate, but is part of the GPU clock.Stream processors (SP): (Shader Units)

Keep this in mind:Mhash/s: The main Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 you want to achieve is lowest cost vs highest mhash rate. The more mhash/s (megahash per second) a GPU can produce the faster is can calculate and process Bitcoin data. Watts: Another thing to note are watts. Your computers power supply must have enough watts in order to power these cards. If you have 3 GPUs that use 200 watts, but only have a Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 watt power supply 1 of two things will happen. It won’t power up properly and some components in the machine will not get enough power. Or YOU CAN BLOW OUT THE POWER SUPPLY. Yes that’s right, it has happened to me. At one point I drew more power than the power supply (PSU) could handle, and my machine Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 off, permanently. Well, until I replaced the power supply, which is a pain in the ass considering it is wired up everywhere inside the machine. Slots: Some GPUs have different slot or plug configurations. The most common for high performace GPUs are PCIe x 16 Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 PCI x 8. Make sure your motherboard has these slots so you will be able to plug your GPUs in. 5.220 POPULAR MINING GPUS

ModelPriceAvailabilityAvg. Mhash/sMhash/JMhash/$
5970$730V. Limited655.832.010.90
6990×3$2,310Limited2094~1.80.915.3WHAT IS MHASH RATE?

Mhash/s means megahashes per second, or 1,000,000 hashes per second, which is the raw speed performance each GPU is capable of. As mentioned previously, The more mhash/s (megahash per second) a GPU can produce the faster is can calculate and process Bitcoin data. There Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 is not much more to know Also, you might see the term gigahash as well, or ghash/s. This is equal to 1000 mhash/s.

WHAT ARE STREAM PROCESSORS? Stream processing is a computer/hardware programming technique that allows some applications to more easily exploit a limited Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 of parallel processing. Most new video cards have stream processors. Basically video cards have different shaders that are used as small processors to process parts of the image, a stream processor is a generic Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 that can be turned into a specific shader on demand (depending on the need). The stream processor is what does a huge portion of the actual rendering. So basically each stream processor is like a processor for a video card. Doubling the number of stream processors does pretty much double the speed of the video card for rendering stuff Learn more about stream processing here: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stream_processing

WHY ARE AMD (ATI) GPUS BETTER THAN NVIDIA GPUS FOR BITCOIN MINING? Firstly, AMD designs GPUs with many simple ALUs/shaders (VLIW design) that run at a relatively low frequency clock (typically 1120-3200 ALUs at 625-900 MHz), whereas Nvidia’s microarchitecture Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 of fewer more complex ALUs and tries to compensate with a higher shader clock (typically 448-1024 ALUs at 1150-1544 MHz). Because of this VLIW vs. non-VLIW difference, Nvidia uses up more square millimeters of die space per ALU, hence can pack fewer of them per chip, and they hit the frequency wall sooner than AMD which prevents them from increasing the clock high enough to match or surpass AMD’s performance. This translates to Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 raw ALU performance advantage for AMD:

AMD Radeon HD 6990: 3072 ALUs x 830 MHz = 2550 billion 32-bit instruction per second

Nvidia GTX 590: 1024 ALUs x 1214 MHz = 1243 billion 32-bit instruction per second This approximate 2x-3x performance difference exists across the entire range of AMD and Nvidia GPUs. It is noticeably visible in all ALU-bound GPGPU workloads such as Bitcoin, password bruteforcers, etc. Secondly, another difference favoring Bitcoin mining on AMD GPUs instead of Nvidia’s is that the mining algorithm is based on SHA-256, which makes heavy use of the 32-bit integer right rotate operation. This operation can be implemented as a single hardware instruction on AMD GPUs, but requires three separate hardware instructions to be emulated on Nvidia GPUs (2 shifts + 1 add). This alone gives AMD another 1.7x performance advantage (~1900 instructions instead of ~3250 to execute the SHA-256 compression function). Combined together, these 2 factors make AMD GPUs overall 3x-5x faster when mining Bitcoins. Networking

WHAT KIND OF INTERNET CONNECTION TO I Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 You don’t need any special or crazy fast internet connection or configuration. Any standard high speed internet connection should be able to handle many Bitcoin miners just fine. I would recommend 5mbps+. Also, I would recommend that all Bitcoin miners are connected through a wired internet connection for stability and reliability. I’ve has some spotty issues using wifi for bitcoin mining, it’s simply not worth the hassle. 6.2

DO I NEED TO CONFIGURE MY FIREWALL TO RUN BITCOIN? Bitcoin will connect to other nodes, usually on tcp port 8333. You will need to allow outgoing TCP connections to port Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 if you want to allow your Bitcoin client to connect to many nodes. Bitcoin will also try to connect to IRC (tcp port 6667) to meet other nodes to connect to. If you want to restrict your firewall rules to a few ips and/or don’t want to allow IRC connection, you can find stable nodes in the fallback nodes list. If your provider blocks the common IRC ports, note that lfnet also listens on port 7777. Connecting to this alternate port currently requires either recompiling Bitcoin, or changing routing rules. For example, on Linux you can evade a port 6667 block by doing something like this:

Echo irc. lfnet. org >> /etc/hosts iptables - t nat - A OUTPUT - p tcp --dest --dport 6667 - j DNAT --to-destination :7777 - m comment --comment "Bitcoind irc connection" HOW DOES THE PEER FINDING MECHANISM WORK?

Bitcoin finds peers primarily by connecting to an IRC server (channel #Bitcoin on irc. lfnet. org). If a connection to the IRC server cannot be established (like when connecting through TOR), an in-built node list will be used and the nodes will be queried for more node addresses. Cooling 7.1


This is not Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 be overlooked, and is a major concern among people who mine for Bitcoins. The first step in keeping your rigs cool Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 to regulate the temperature of the room that your miners will be housed. I discuss the details of regulating room temperature in the next section. If you already have your room controlled at a reasonable temperature, then here are several other suggestions to keep your rigs running cool.

Computer Casing: Although I’ve seen MANY rigs laying around without a case, I would certainly recommend keeping your hardware protected inside of a PC case. Exposed hardware is never really a safe Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, especially if you have kids, pets, or other factors that could come in contact with your hardware. Assuming you are going to case your rig, getting a good computer case is important for keeping the hardware cool. I recommend getting high performance gaming cases / enclosures from brands like Antec, and Thermaltake. As you can see from the hardware above in section I have chosen the Antec 900 ATX Mid Tower case. This case has multiple fans and is optimized for airflow…

1 x 120mm TriCool rear fan with 3-speed switch control

2 x 120mm TriCool blue LED front fans with 3-speed switch control to cool HDDs

1 x 200mm top fan I liked the fan setup because all the hot air is exhausted from the back, and top of the cases. This gives me a predictable direction of where my hot air will be moving towards. Also, be sure to keep your wiring inside the case clean. Bulky clumps of wires will block airflow!

More / upgraded fans: I have taken an extra step, and installed 3 more high performance fans in my cases. 2 Vantec Tornado Fans which are placed internally right in front of the 2 x 120mm fans displayed on the front of the case. As well, as a 120mm Ultra Kaze fan on the inside of the side panel vent. Let me just tell you, this rigs are LOUD. They sound like mini jet engines. Hopefully you have a basement or somewhere you could keep them where the noise should not be an issue. Here are the specs of the fans:

Vantec Tornado 92mm Double Ball Bearing High Air Flow Case Fan –

Model TD9238HRPM: 4800 RPM

Air Flow: 119 CFM

Noise: Level 56.4 dBA

Scythe DFS123812-3000

“ULTRA KAZE” 120 x 38 mm Case FanRPM: 3000 RPM

Air Flow: 133.60 CFM

Noise Level: 45.90 dBA As I said before, the main factor in keeping this rigs Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 is keeping the room cool. Good airflow, and good temperature should be all you need to keeping things cool. Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 out the section below for how to keep the room Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 AM I GOING TO KEEP THE ROOM COOL? Keeping the room cool is going to have its challenges, especially if you plan on running 2+ mining rigs in there. These machines basically turn into little heaters, which are exhausting hot air 24/7. I would suggest trying to keep the room temperature 75°F and below. 71°F would be ideal, and I would say 82°F being the max.

Air conditioning: Hopefully this is something Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 have in your home, if not, my empathy goes out to you and your miners! Obviously this would be the first step into keeping any room in your home cool. So make sure you keep your rigs in a cool room, basements are ideal.

Air Duct Booster: This is a little trick I’ve learned over the past, but I’ve taken it a step further in my Bitcoin mining scenario. In order to get the most out of the cool air being sent from the air conditioner through the ducts, I have removed the metal casing that cover most vents, and placed a high powered fan a few feet inside the of air duct. Then I have attached an aluminum wired air hose, with an air tight seal using duct tape, and attached another high powered fan on the end of it. At this point, I have a hose which I can direct in any direction which is literally blasting cool air! Box Fans / Oscillating Fans: Large oscillating are good to keep near your rigs, they are very good circulating large amounts of airflow around the room, and preventing the room from getting stale. Room Exhaust Fan: If you plan on keeping your rigs in a closed room, you better be up for the Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041. Even if you have an air conditioning supply to the closed room, it will constantly be battling with the heat from your miners (depending on how many you have). In my case, I am keeping my rigs is in a pretty small room, which is enclosed. After many tests, and attempts to keeping the room cool, I had no choice but to build an exhaust system. Basically, I cut a large circular hole in the wall closest to where the miners would be flushing out hot air. Then I place an industrial exhaust fan which would suck the hot air out of the room. Yes, I am making sound a lot simpler than it actually was. Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 is a pic: I’m Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 there are other tips and tricks, but these are some that I use. If it is winter time and you have a window nearby, it would be okay to keep that cracked to let cool air in, although it is not recommended to keep hardware exposed to natural outdoor weather. In doing so, you can start dealing with other issues such as humidity, which will factor in on hardware performance and shelf life. 7.3HOW DO I MEASURE ROOM TEMPERATURE? Easiest thing to do is to get yourself a Digital Temperature Monitor If you are not onsite and want to check the temperature remotely you can get one of these USB Temperature Sensors. Personally I use the Hid TEMPer V10.6.0: It is a measurement device using a USB port to connect to a computer or other machines. Here is a screenshot: 7.4

HOW HOT WILL MY GPUS GET AND CAN THEY OVERHEAT?At full load, your GPUs will get HOT! I’ve seen GPUs go up to 92°C+ (That’s 198 °F). Ideal temperature for your cards would be about 73°C or lower. Yes GPUs can overheat! That is why it is so important to keep your room and rigs cool, so your GPUs have optimal Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 to operate in. Cooler GPUs will output better performance, and that is the goal, isn’t it? A common problem I have had with my GPUs, is that they are SO close together. Cramming 3 GPUs in a mid-tower case was not easy. There needs to be sufficient space between the cards so that the fans which are cooling the heat sinks have enough airflow. I used small pieces of thick rubber tubing to pry apart each card, so that I would have at least half and inch between each GPU.

HOW CAN I CHANGE THE FAN SPEED ON MY GPUS? This depends on your operating system. Whether you are using Windows or Linux, you must have ATI Catalyst software installed. Please see section 11.2 for more info on how to obtain and install it.

If you are using Windows: Assuming already have the ATI Catalyst Control Center installed, you can look through the OverDrive™ settings, and adjust the fan speed of the cards. If noise is not an issue I reccomend 100% for maximum cooling.

If you are using linux: you can use the following commands to increase the speed of your fans. In the below example we will be setting the first available GPU in the machine to 100% fan speed:

DISPLAY=:0.0 aticonfig --pplib-cmd Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 fanspeed 0 100"

Notice, that the first GPU is identified as: 0.0 If you wanted to run the same for the second and third card you can do so like this:

DISPLAY=:0.1 aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 100" DISPLAY=:0.2 aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 100" HOW DO I MEASURE GPU TEMPERATURES?

In Windows: Measuring your GPU temperature is relatively easy. If you have ATI Catalyst installed (if not see section 11.2), you can check the GPU temperature by opening the ATI Catalyst Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, and finding the OverDrive setting (Screenshot above). On that screen you will be able to see the temperature of the GPU usually measured in Celcius. Overclocking your GPU can affect the temperature, and is discussed in section 9. Another way that I like to measure my GPU temperature in Windows 7 is through GPU Observer, which is a desktop gadget that you can download and display right on your desktop. It shows the temps, fan speed, and memory usage – very useful!

In linux: You can run the following command to get the temperature of all the GPUs in the system:

DISPLAY=:0.0 aticonfig --odgt --adapter=all

It will return results that look like Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 (Look at the 3rd GPU Temps, 57.5°C – NOT BAD!! ) Power

HOW MUCH POWER WILL I NEED? Of course, this question depends on how many machines / GPUs you plan on running. My machines currently have 3 GPUs installed, with a 1200 Watt power supply. Currently each machine at full load utilizes about 6 Amps, about 700 Watts, which is 0.7 KW (Kilowatts). An average size Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 circuit breaker is about 20 Amps. If you exceed 20 Amps of power on a 20 Amp circuit breaker, you will cause too much power to be drawn, and the circuit breaker will shut off to prevent damage or other failures. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of how much power is available on the circuit which your miners will be plugged into. In my scenario, I originally only had about 20 Amps, and I needed to power 3 Machines. Although each machine was only using about 6 Amps a total of 18 Amps, the circuit breaker would still shut off periodically. Sometimes the Amp usage could jump for just a second, and it would be enough to trigger the circuit breaker to shut off. Due to this, I had to install additional circuit Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, and fish some new lines to the room that was powering my Bitcoin Miners. You always want to leave a little overhead, and not max out the lines. Below are some pictures of the process in running new lines, leaving me at a total of about 80 Amps.

WARNING: If you are unsure how to install a new circuit breaker, or run your own electric lines please consult the assistance or services of a professional electrician! If you are capable of handling this yourself, here are some helpful links:

WARNING:Be sure that you evenly supply power to your GPUs! I made the mistake of running too many watts through a single wire supplied from the power supply. I had various other connections, including a molex splitter which was plugged in to other devices such as fans etc and eventually connecting to the GPU(s). Due to the fact that there was so much power draw through one wire, they quickly burned out, and could have caused serious damage or electrical fire. I would stay away from using any splitter connecters or thin wires when powering your GPUs. – I learned the hard way. Thankfully no serious damage occurred, just needed to replace Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 wires. 8.2HOW MUCH WILL MY POWER Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 GO UP? Your electric bill WILL increase. In order to figure out how much you will be paying additionally for your electric bill each month we need to do some basic math. Here’s what we need:

    How many Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 each machine is usingHow much your energy provider charges for KWh (Kilowatt per hour)Duration of time that the machines are running.

We’ll use my setup as our scenario:

    Each machine uses 700 WattsMy energy provider charges about $0.10 KWh (10 cents)My machines are running 24/7

Here is our math: 700 Watts × 24 hours × 30 days = 504,000 watt hours Then we do 504,000 ÷ 1000 x $0.10 = $50.4 Since I have 3 machines I would do $50.4 × 3 = $151.2 Total monthly cost: $151.2

Raspberry 4 for Bitcoin mining - Raspberry Pi Forums

This article miinng some help for those starting to get into using bitcoin and contains help I have found when reading through different forums and minlng made. It also assumes some basic knowledge about Bitcoin in general, bitcoin client the meaning of mining, mining software, blocks, hashing rate and so on. All this information can be found ubunti the Bitcoin Wiki and only requires some reading and no actual deep programming knowledge.

Contents of this Article

    About BitcoinInstalling the Bitcoin ClientMining & Mining SoftwareWhere to MineDownloads & Links Earn Your First Coins (for free)Sources

About Bitcoin

"Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 out collectively by the Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part."[1]

Originally Bitcoin was developed by an anonymous person calling Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 "Satoshi Nakamoto", his real identity is still unknown. [2]

The network uses the SHA256 algorithm  that is very fast to compute and hence allowed technology companies to develop specialized hardware for bitcoin mining, the coin generation process. The mining process includes a "puzzle" a machine can solve and based on the outcome of this puzzle a block might be generated. Upon finding a new block, 25 BTC is added to the miner. Blocks are generated on a predictable rate (1 block every 10 minutes) and the reward for finding a block halves on a pre-determined basis. These factors limit the total number of available bitcoins in the system, which will be 21 million coins once the system reaches this point in the future.

The easy calculation of SHA256 Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 made it available to develop specialized hardware such as FPGAs (Field programmable Gate Array) and ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) that specialize in bitcoin mining. Such hardware have dramatically shifted the bitcoin mining process and increased the global hash rate of the network. Whether this is good or bad, everyone has to decide for him/herself. one thing is for sure, bitcoin is growing faster than before. Currently 1 coin (BTC) is bitcoih over 500$ and it uubntu not seem to slow down.

And here is a short video explaining a few things and introducing Bitcoin.

Installing the Bitcoin Client 

First of all what you should Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 that there are 2 versions of the official bitcoin client, Bitcoin and Bitcoin-qt. Bitcoin is the command line client that is for more advanced users Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 while bitcoin-qt is the graphical user interface (GUI) version that is easier to use (aim to use the bitcoin-qt, GUI version).

Known issue bbitcoin the client under Ubuntu: The icon does not show in the Unity menu bar (top of the screen where email etc is.). It shows up when first installing, but after that it is gone. As said above, I tried building from source to see if the problem is solved that way, but it isn't. Not a big impact, just a minor issue, but I personally would like to be displayed there, hopefully this will be fixed soon. Update: This issue has been fixed in theLatest Client (as far as I saw).

1. Amending Software Sources (PPA) - Recommended 

Update: This seems to be the predominantly supported and easiest way of installing bitcoin-qt on an Ubuntu system.

Edit your software sources by, bitcoiin gedit /etc/apt/sources. list and add the 2 lines at the end of the file,  

Deb http://ppa. launchpad. net/bitcoin/bitcoin/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main

Deb-src http://ppa. launchpad. net/bitcoin/bitcoin/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main

Where of course you replace "YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE" with the name of Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 Ubuntu version, e. g. 12.04 is "precise". If this is not ubunttu clear for you or you are using another version than 12.04 of Ubuntu then check out this link for help: https://launchpad. net/~bitcoin/+archive/bitcoin. Uubuntu this simply run in the terminal, jining apt-get updatesudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt It is now installed on your system in /home/[USER]/.bitcoin You can create a desktop launcher or launch it from unity panel or your favourite place. If you need more help: Bitcoin. org


2. Installing the Bitcoin Client - bitocin 1

Installation by downlaoding the latest bitcoin *.tar. gz file. As per the README file tells:

Download the latest *.tar. gz file from bitcoin. orgUnzip the contents into Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 folder Run sudo apt-get install libqtgui4 to install Qt4 runtime libraries (if you had a previous version installed this should already exist on your Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 either of the 4 executable installers (according to your system)
 bin/32/bitcoin-qt (GUI, 32-bit)  bin/32/bitcoind (headless, 32-bit)  bin/64/bitcoin-qt (GUI, 64-bit)  bin/64/bitcoind (headless, 64-bit)
This should install the bitcoin client onto your system.

3. Building from Source - Alternative 2

To get the bitcoin client clone the official github repository first and then decide whether you need the GUI version (bitcoin-qt) or just the terminal one. Clone the github repository,

Git clone https://github. com/bitcoin/bitcoin ROUTE
where "ROUTE" is the route to the folder you want to copy to. Leave empty to clone it to your home directory. Also you will need some packages installed, btcoin these by running

Sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev libdb4.8++-dev
3.a. Terminal Version

This is fully in the minihg the github repository as been downloaded and the necessary packages applied, simply execute (as per doc/readme-qt. rst)

Now note that as said this is the terminal version of the bitcoin client, it comes with no graphical interface, all arguments must be given in the terminal. It is highly advised that you do not use this option.

If qmake gives an error, try

Qmake "USE_UPNP=-" 

3.b. GUI Version

You have to get a program called Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 from the software centre so go ahead and download it.

Also you will need the packages as mentioned ubunttu so install Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 if you have not done so already.

If you have it navigate to the cloned github repository, right-click bitcoin-qt. pro and select "Open with Qt Creator"

This will open up Qt, here click on run on the bottom left of the screen 

and this will create an executable file in the bitcoin Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 that will run bitcoin-qt. Run as you would any other file.

Mining & Minng Software 

You can either mine alone - in "solo" - where the possibility of you finding a block bitcojn BTC ~ 7000 Euros, but doesn't matter as it is changing all the time) is above 40 years, or you can mine for a group - called "pools" - where you get a share of the 25 BTC based on the help you provided. With solo mining you may not receive anything at all, but you might find a block and get the total 25 BTC, whereas in a pool you will have more steady, but smaller payments. As the difficulty and global hash rate are high, it is highly advised to join and mine a pool.

Installing poclbm-GUI

Either way you want bitcoih go, bitoin need ubunth software to mine and start hashing. I suggest using poclbm-gui miner which is easy to set up and gives the same functions as the terminal version. The things Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 will need on your system installed are,

Python 2.6 or above (3 ubhntu not supported)

Wxpython, get them from synaptic package manager.

NVidia Cards:

Numpy And PyOpenCL, that can again be again installed from synaptic package manager.

Launch synaptic package manager with: sudo synaptic and make a Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 for the packages and install.

ATI video cards: If you have an ATI card and plan to use it for mining (which will be Much faster than CPU or nVidia cards) the you also need an ATI Stream SDK downloaded and installed. You can get the jbuntu version of poclbm GUI miner from github,

Git clone https://github. com/Kiv/poclbm
and then to run,

Cd /home/[USER]/poclbm
Python guiminer. py
This will run the guiminer (the front end software) and also poclbm miner, however if you want gitcoin use other mining software (e. g. cgminer), it has to be downloaded and installed manually (see links at end of the post and at List of Bitcoin Mining Software). I leave this to you, you have to decide what software you want to use or rather what does your minnig support (!). With all the different ASICS Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 you will need to 0041 for support. Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 is generally a good option to go for and installing it is very simple and it is described in the readme file.

Look for what you need; clone git 1, cd to git repo. /configure, make, make install or refer to documentation. After say you have downlaoded cgminer, you can use the GUIminer to control it. This virtually poses no overhead on your hash rate. Make sure you set the correct path to your mining software! Refer to software screenshots below. I recommend you biitcoin a "miners" directory within the guiminer and put all miners you use in here. Just to keep things in one place.

Mining in Solo 

Firstly go to ~/.bitcoin directory bitdoin see hidden folders press "Ctrl+H" in the file manager, in your home directory) and create a new file called bitcoin. conf if you do not have it already. Put 3 lines in the file,

rpcuser=local_username rpcpassword=password_you_want_to_use_make_it_long_and_strong

Keep these secure. Setting up solo mining requires the bitcoin client to be started up in server mode. To do this, close the client if you have it already running Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 and start bitcoin-qt with the following command from the terminal,

Bitcoin-qt - server - RPCALLOWIP=192.168.0.* - RPCPORT=8332


Add the line:


into ~/.bitcoinbitcoin. conf too.

### If you are using Windows this is quite similar, open the command line and do,

Cd Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin

Bitcoin-qt. exe - server -RPCALLOWIP=192.168.0.* - RPCPORT=8332


Where192.168.0.* is you local Gitcoin address Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, note that this might be different based on your home network settings. This is to tell the client to allow miner Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 from the local network. Start uubntu software jining normal and set up a new solo Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, refer to picture below.

Ext. Path: Absolute path to your miners installed. Make sure it is pointing to the ubunru executable file. 

Server: Choose Solo


Port: Just use 8332, make sure it is the same as you have launched the client with & set in your bitcoin. conf

Username: As per set in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin. conf

Password: As per set in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin. conf

Extra bitclin Flags for the minig, like "-v - w 128', this depends on the miner and graphics card you are using. You can look up a list of best settings for different cards Bitcoin Wiki After setting up to mine in solo, you biycoin see a similar window:



If you have launched the client right, got Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 matching username & password you should be mining in solo.

Mining for a Pool 

Pooled mining is the "easier" from the 2. From the dropdown menu simply choose which pool you want to mine for Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 or choose "other" if it is bitcon listed - type in your account credentials and other information necessary, specified on the pool's homepage and start mining. Please refer to the images and information discussed above in "Mining in Solo". Of course, username and password in this case will be the ones specific to your pool's one and not the one set it  ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin. conf ! If you are looking for a pool to mine for, scroll to the bottom of this post!

Note: Setting all these up is not difficult at all, once you have figured out how to do it. I hope I could save you some time of looking around the internet and browsing through different forums for finding the right information. If you however require any further help or anything was not clear or just got stuck, leave a comment and I will get back to you and do my best to help.

Downloads & Links

    Poclbm with GUI - Github (Kiv); GPU miner using Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041, Nvida & ATI; RecommendedAs it contains GUI and mining software alike!Ufasoft CPU/GPU miner - darkgamex. ch; has to be built from source (Windows & Linux)Diablo GPU miner - Github (Diablo);Uses Java ant the OpenCL framework for hashing; ATI & Nvidia cardsCgminer - ck. kolivas. org; multi-threaded multi-pool GPU, FPGA and CPU minerPhoenix miner - Github; Bitcoin client - Github & Bitcoin. org (Windows & Linux)To learn more about miner software read Bitcoin Wiki Mining Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 comparison and best Flags Bitcoin Wiki Bitcoin Mining Calculator (profit, based on hashing speed, current price & difficulty) 

Earn Your First Coins (For Bitclin Some micro bitcoins every hour, random prizes and advertising opportunity. Nice option for those new mjning Bitcoin to make their bitfoin coins fast and for people who want to advertise alike.

Bitvisitor. org - Earn bitcoins for watching videos

CoinURL. com miniing Earn bitcoins for publishing ads on your website, by shortening URLs and you can even advertise with bitcoins.

Where to Mine

Update: Please note that "hobby mining" may no longer be profitable with the ever-increasing difficulty and even the cheapest electricity prices. Furthermore cloudmining is often leading to losses and not to profit! At this point I can personally only recommend LTCGear that offers profitable mining power that scales with 122 difficulty and the below linked GAWminers.

Free 10 GH/s for New Users at GAWminers

This takes 3-5 minutes to set up, here is how.

Use this  link to register and claim Bitcoin mining ubuntu 12 041 reward. After registration you will be given a short tutorial about the website. Click through the tutorial. (Important!)At the end of the tutorial You will be given aGenesis Hashlet (10GH/s)Select a Bitcoin mining pool for it and drag&drop onto your new hashlet.

You are done and mining Bitcoin with 10GH/s!

CEX. io

Join me mining and trading at CEX. io, here you get the following benefits:

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