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Solo Mining With CpuMiner (Guide / Adventure)
CpuMiner for Solo Mining Mode Guide.
After you download the ENTIRE block chain, and u get ur bitcoincore running in Node Mode, just installing the program and allowing it in the firewall, u need to go to the AppData Hidden folder. Search for the data of the blockChain and then create a config file. I am in the windows system, the x64version, so im doing. A confing file like this, and renaming it to (coinbase. conf)
Here there is no pool. And if u hit a block with ur CPU and ur bandwidth nobody gonna split the revenue. Some ppl say that this is like playing the lottery. Well i don't Solo bitcoin mining minerd nothing to loose and i would be learning a bit more about software and sharing great knowledge with the crypto community, plz don't be angry with me :C
So! I started preconfiguring the file.
I copy it to the folder where i have got the information of the block chain. I restart the coin base core And then I start my miner to do it on a solo mode. And i put this.
C:\Users\Acha\Desktop\pooler-cpuminer-2.5.0-win64>minerd. exe - o localhost:13000 - O user:1234 - t 8 --coinbase-addr=bc1q74nxlgjv8w384gssnxp8evnjlw3utm8zm3ctpe - D --protocol-dump
And im getting some wrong bitcoin Solo bitcoin mining minerd adress error.
As the ppl said in the post, this is the last Solo bitcoin mining minerd version of Cpu miner, and the support for this bitcoin addresses has been incorporated this last year. The guy behind this, is senior programmer so, maybe its busy, and he cant compile the new version. Anyway his job is awesome, and its under a gnu license. Thankyou. His project named Minerd or Cpuminer its here.
Https://github. com/pooler/cpuminer/commits? author=pooler
Thankyou so much, it has a lot of work encoding data structures.
So at this point with the entire source code, and the upgrade of the bech32 addresses i need Solo bitcoin mining minerd recompile the entire thing to run properly on my windows.
The thing is. if its a C++ program would i be able to open it with visual studio? The answer is who knows.
Then i reasearched the internet for more Solo bitcoin mining minerd, and the ppl is giving me 2 pieces of software. This are the basic windows instructions by "Pooler" at the original project
Https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/MinGW#Components
For my surprise the First url is unavailable,
Then i installed the MSys2 - MSys Software and its a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make, gawk and grep to allow building of applications and programs which depend on traditionally UNIX tools to Solo bitcoin mining minerd present. It is intended to supplement MinGW and the deficiencies of the cmd shell. An example would be building a library that uses the autotools build system.
So here Solo bitcoin mining minerd am, launching comands from a little shell/Terminal that maybe can compile the Pooler proyect,
The comands from the Msys terminal gcc--version | make--version |git--version
Then i close the mysys, and open the, MinGw64
Following this Solo bitcoin mining minerd in youtube. https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=pb6Yb819pF0
This is where i put the Pooler's project to compile
I reached this point. I need some coffee and some gaming, I would try to do something at night here in Spain. More info about Clone projects
Https://github. com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi
Https://github. com/vertoe/cpuminer-cach
Well surfing the web i encountered a clone project of this one but with a longer explanation and guide to set up the version to compile. Wellcome hell
Also the compiler is giving me toons of errors so im stucked here, but i will try tomorrow harder again.
I have all the binaries and the code is updated, ty for ur help. Im so sorry for the other post. if i can help in anyway. :( Ill keep u informed in this main Solo bitcoin mining minerd. But any idea to understand wot im doing wrong is welcomed as always :3 I hateeeeee linuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuux
Thanx Etsa
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Bitcoin Legalized In India Configure Minerd To Solo Mine Litecoin

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What is Solo Mining & How it Works for the miners in the bitcoin network?
That feeling when you get in early before a large group of miners join the party and raise the difficulty is something special. Isn’t it? You’ll find such opportunity once in a while and it always leads to profit in a short period of time. In Crypto getting in early is the key so keep looking at Altcoin announcement thread of Bitcoin Talk to find out newly launched coins. Once you found the gem, setup the miner, and start mining solo to hit a block on your own. Believe it or not, solo mining is very much possible and even with a single GPU you can hit a block. What!? Let’s get into the details.
Here this is a beginners guide and a quick tutorial on how to solo mine Altcoins. Before we get in to solo mining guide we’ll see if solo mining really works out and if so what type of coins comes under this solo mining category.
How easy is it to solo mine new Altcoins?
They always say that solo mining only works out for a lucky few. Yes, it is. But theoretically there is math involved and the answer to this question completely depends on the network hashrate and your hardware power. Solo mining is just like winning a lottery and there is no magic number that’ll guarantee results. You could either mine a block or you could never solve a block even after mining for a long time. However technically there is a chance of mining a block if you maintain proper communication with the network and keep submitting shares constantly. We can’t tell how long as It all depends on several factors. A suitable comparison would be lottery.
Totally forget about Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash and all other popular Cryptocurrencies. Apply this solo mining guide only on coins in which you could expect results. The most suitable ones are the newly launched Altcoins where the network difficulty will be too low. Solo bitcoin mining minerd are tons of new coins that you can choose from if Solo bitcoin mining minerd head over to Bitcoin Talk announcement thread. Not all of them have attained Solo bitcoin mining minerd popularity and not all of them have mining Solo bitcoin mining minerd setup initially. Once you found one, do your research before you get in to the mining scene. If you feel the coin is worth your time then quickly setup the mining environment and start solo mining.
Solo Mining requirements:
This guide assumes that you have your hardware ready (CPU, GPU Solo bitcoin mining minerd ASIC). The process to solo mine is very simple:
Find a new coin and ensure the network hashrate is low to solo mineGrab the QT walletCreate a config file, config the RPC port, ensure the server is setup and allows the IP address of your hardware. Configure the miner and point it to RPC IP / Port of the computer where the wallet is runningProfit
Safety Measures:
- Take a backup of your walletEncrypt your walletNever add any external IP to your config file.
How to solo mine any Altcoin?
For this tutorial we’ve chosen Ravencoin. Solo mining Ravencoin is not possible due to high network difficulty but anyways we are just showing the method and this applies to every Solo bitcoin mining minerd coins out there. So to solo mine any other Altcoin all you have to do is apply the same procedure. We’ll show you how to GPU solo mine but the same applies to CPU as well as ASICs. Also in this guide there are two methods involved 1. Solo mining using same computer Solo bitcoin mining minerd the wallet runs 2. Solo mining using mining rig where you don’t have your wallet setup.
For pool mining no client is needed. Just the pool address, username and password is enough. However to solo mine you need to setup local environment and enable RPC port. Follow the steps below to setup a solo mining environment.
Solo mining on same machine as wallet
1. First Download and install Solo bitcoin mining minerd QT wallet of the coin that Solo bitcoin mining minerd like to solo mine.
2. Once done let the wallet to synchronize completely. Wait until you see the check mark at the bottom right corner of your wallet and says “synchronization finished” or “up to date”.
3. Once the blockchain has been downloaded completely, close your wallet and open the wallet configuration file. Please go through the guide if you don’t know where the config file is located.
4. Now within the configuration file input the following commands.
Rpcuser=USERNAME rpcpassword=PASSWORD rpcallowip= rpcport=9999 server=1 listen=1 daemon=1
You can change the username, password and port to anything you wish.
Rpcallowip is the local IP of your system. For security reasons never ever allow any external IPs. Only allow IPs that are connected to your private network. Example of private IP: ,
Rpcport is basically a way of identifying a machine. This is the address where your wallet will be listening for network connection and requests.
These 4 details such as username, password, IP and port that you’ve entered in your wallet config file should be the same in your miner configuration file as well.
5. Here we’ve used ccminer as an example. Download the mining software Solo bitcoin mining minerd supports solo mining and configure it appropriately.
Ccminer - a x16r - o - u coinguides - p x Solo bitcoin mining minerd - i 19 pause
If you take a look at the above config then you’ll notice that the IP, Port, Username and the Password will be same as the wallet config file.
6. Save the batch file and run the miner. That’s it! You are now solo mining!
Solo mining on different machine or a mining rig where wallet is not setup
For safety Solo bitcoin mining minerd we don’t usually install wallets on mining rig so how do you solo mine? Your wallet is not needed actually. To solo mine using your mining rig all we need to do is connect the miner to your PC where the wallet runs. For this we’ll need two information.
Internal IP of your PC where wallet runs andInternal IP of your mining rigs.
Your WiFi router will automatically assign a local IP address for your computer and each of your mining rigs. This local IP address can Solo bitcoin mining minerd be accessed within your private network and is normally hidden from the outside world. So it is completely safe.
To know the internal IP; open command prompt. Now in Solo bitcoin mining minerd command window input and hit enter. You’ll find something called Ipv4 address Solo bitcoin mining minerd is the internal address of that particular machine.
Fetch this IPv4 address of both your mining rig and your PC. If you have more than a rig then fetch all of its IP address. Next follow the steps below
Step 1: First close your wallet, then open your wallet config file and allow all those IP. Once done, save the file and keep the wallet open.
Step 2. Now in your mining rig enter the IP address of your wallet machine in the URL field of your batch file. Save it and then run it. If it works then use the same batch file setup for all your Solo bitcoin mining minerd rigs that you’d like to solo mine.
Ccminer - a x16r Solo bitcoin mining minerd http://wallet-machine-ip:9999 - u coinguides - p x --coinbase-addr=RRgNXzz76y8P2aF5PDbTKnPb2PxTK2er6 - i 19 pause
Checking if solo mining is working:
First to ensure if you are on right track check the block height that you are mining currently. Open your wallet, go to Debug console window and enter which will return the block height. In addition to this you can also use the block explorer.
Next unlike pool mining you won’t see accepted shares or rejected shares when solo mining. All you see is your hardware Solo bitcoin mining minerd continuously and when you hit a block Solo bitcoin mining minerd see a message saying Yes! The reward for the block which you solved will reflect immediately in your wallet address that you entered in the miner batch file.
Common Errors:
These are the two common errors that you’d come across when solo Solo bitcoin mining minerd which means either the coin that you are mining or the mining software that you are using don’t support solo mining. Research on Solo bitcoin mining minerd as most of the new forked coins have removed command, they only support.
Currently is only supported by sgminer, cgminer and some forked ccminer. If you can’t find a miner that supports solo mining then for such coins either setup a node stratum pool locally or join a mining pool which is the only solution.
Each and every client is a little bit different so you may encounter some errors at the start. However if you understand this setup then with few tweaks you can get them working. Hope this guide helps!
Good Luck Mining Solo!
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