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Transaction time bitcoin mining. Everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining. Everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining

Transaction time bitcoin mining. Everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining. Everything you need to know about Bitcoin mining

Frequently Asked Questions

Miner fees

Miner fees are a fee that spenders may include in any Bitcoin on-chain transaction. The fee may be collected by the miner who includes the transaction in a block. Transaction time bitcoin mining Bitcoin transaction spends zero or more bitcoins to zero or more recipients. The difference between the amount being spent and the amount being received is the transaction fee (which must be zero or more).

Bitcoin's design makes it easy and efficient for the spender to specify how much fee to pay, whereas it would be harder and less efficient for the recipient to specify the fee, so by custom the spender is almost always solely responsible for paying all necessary Bitcoin Transaction time bitcoin mining fees.

When a miner creates a block proposal, the miner is entitled to specify where all the fees paid by the transactions in that block proposal should be sent. If the proposal results in a valid block that becomes a part of the best block chain, the fee income will be sent to the specified recipient. If a valid block does not collect all available fees, the amount not collected are permanently destroyed; this has happened on more than Transaction time bitcoin mining occasions from 2011 to 2017,[1][2] with decreasing frequency over time.

The market for block space

The minimum fee necessary for a Transaction time bitcoin mining to confirm varies over time and arises from the intersection of supply and demand in Bitcoin's free market for block space.[3] On the supply Transaction time bitcoin mining, Bitcoin has a maximum block size (currently one million vbytes) that limits the maximum amount of transaction data that can be added to a block.

However, Bitcoin blocks are not produced on a fixed schedule—the system targets an average of one block every 10 minutes over long periods of time but, over short periods of time, a new block can arrive in less than a second or more than an hour after the previous Transaction time bitcoin mining. As the number of blocks received in a period of Transaction time bitcoin mining varies, so does the effective maximum block size. For example, in the illustration below we see the average time between blocks based on the time they were received by a node during a one day period (left axis) and the corresponding effective maximum block size implied by that block production rate (right axis, in million vbytes):

During periods of higher effective maximum block sizes, this natural and unpredictable variability means that transactions with lower fees have a higher than normal chance of getting confirmed—and during periods of lower effective maximum block sizes, low-fee transactions have a lower than normal chance of getting confirmed.

On the demand side of Bitcoin's free market for block space, each spender is under unique constraints when it comes to spending their bitcoins. Some are willing to pay high fees; some are not. Some desire fast confirmation; some are content with waiting a while. Some use Transaction time bitcoin mining with excellent dynamic fee estimation; some do not. In addition, demand varies according to certain patterns, with perhaps the most recognizable being the weekly cycle where fees increase during weekdays and decrease on the weekend:

Another less recognizable cycle is the intra-day cycle where fees wax and wane during the day:

These variations in supply and demand create a market for block space that allows users to make a trade-off between confirmation time and cost. Users with high time requirements may pay a higher than average transaction fee to be confirmed quickly, while users under less time pressure can save money by being prepared to wait longer for either a natural (but unpredictable) increase in supply or a (somewhat predictable) decrease in demand.

It is envisioned that over time the cumulative effect of collecting transaction fees will allow those creating new blocks to "earn" more bitcoins Transaction time bitcoin mining will be mined from new bitcoins created by the new block itself. This is also an incentive to keep trying to create new blocks as the creation of new bitcoins from the mining activity goes towards zero in the future.[4]


Perhaps the most important factor affecting how fast a transaction gets confirmed is its fee rate (often spelled feerate). This section describes why feerates are important and how to calculate a transaction's feerate.

Bitcoin transaction vary in size for a variety of reasons. We can easily visualize that by drawing four transactions side-by-side based on their size (length) with each of our examples larger than the previous one:

This method of illustrating length makes it easy to also visualize an example maximum block size limit that constrains how much transaction data a miner can add to an individual block:

Since Bitcoin only allows whole transactions to be added to a particular block, at least one of the transactions in the example above can't be added to the next block. So how does a miner select which transactions Transaction time bitcoin mining include? There's no required selection method (called Policy) and no known way to make any particular policy required, but one strategy popular among miners is for each individual miner to attempt to maximize the amount of fee income they can collect from the transactions they include in their blocks.

We can add a visualization of available fees to our previous illustration by keeping the length of each transaction the same but making the area of the transaction equal to its fee. This makes the height of each transaction equal to the fee divided by the size, which is called the Feerate:

Although Transaction time bitcoin mining (wide) transactions may contain more total fee, the high-feerate (tall) transactions are the most profitable to mine Transaction time bitcoin mining their area is greatest compared to the amount of space (length) they take up in a block. For example, compare transaction B to transaction D in the illustration above. This means that miners attempting to maximize fee income can get good results by simply sorting by feerate and including as many transactions as possible in a block:

Because only complete transactions can be added to a block, sometimes (as in the example above) the inability to include the incomplete transaction near the end of the block frees up space Transaction time bitcoin mining one or more smaller and lower-feerate transactions, so when a block gets near full, a profit-maximizing miner will often ignore all remaining transactions that are Transaction time bitcoin mining large to fit and include the smaller transactions that do fit (still in highest-feerate order):

Excluding some rare and rarely-significant edge cases, the feerate sorting described above maximizes miner revenue for any given block size as long as none of the transactions depend on any of the other transactions being included in the same block (see the next section, Feerates for dependent transactions, for more information about that).

To calculate the feerate for your transaction, take the fee the transaction pays Transaction time bitcoin mining divide that by the size of the transaction (currently based on weight units or vbytes but no longer based on bytes). For example, if a transaction pays a fee of 2,250 nanobitcoins and is 225 vbytes in size, its feerate is 2,250 divided by 225, which is 10 nanobitcoins per vbyte (this happens to be the minimum fee Bitcoin Core Wallet will pay by default).

When comparing to the feerate between several transactions, ensure that the units used for all of the measurements are the same. For example, some tools calculate size in weight units and others use vbytes; some tools also display fees in a variety of denominations.

Feerates Transaction time bitcoin mining dependent transactions (child-pays-for-parent)

Bitcoin transactions can depend on the inclusion of other transactions in the same block, which complicates the feerate-based transaction selection described above. This section describes the rules of that dependency system, how miners can maximize revenue while managing those dependencies, and how bitcoin spenders can use the dependency system to effectively increase the feerate of unconfirmed transactions.

Each transaction in a block has a sequential order, one transaction after another. Each block in the block chain also has a sequential order, one block after another. This means that there's a single sequential order to every transaction in Transaction time bitcoin mining best block chain.

One of Bitcoin's consensus rules is that the transaction where you receive bitcoins must appear earlier in this sequence than the transaction where you spend those bitcoins. For example, if Alice pays Bob in transaction A and Bob uses those same bitcoins to pay Charlie in transaction B, transaction A must appear earlier in the sequence of transactions than transaction B. Often this is easy to accomplish because transaction A appears in an earlier block than transaction B:

But if transaction A and B both appear in the same block, the rule still applies: transaction A must appear earlier in the block than transaction B.

This complicates the task of maximizing fee revenue for miners. Normally, miners would prefer to simply sort transactions by feerate as described in the Feerate section Transaction time bitcoin mining. But if both transaction A and Transaction time bitcoin mining are unconfirmed, the miner cannot include B earlier in the block than A even if B pays a higher feerate. This can make sorting by feerate alone less profitable than expected, so a more complex algorithm is needed. Happily, it's only slightly more complex.

For example, consider the following four transactions that are similar to those analyzed in the preceding Feerate section:

To maximize revenue, miners need a way to compare groups of related transactions to each other as well as to individual transactions that have no unconfirmed dependencies. To do that, every transaction available for inclusion in the next block has its feerate calculated for it and all of its unconfirmed ancestors. In the example, this means that transaction B is now considered as a combination of transaction B plus transaction A:

Note that this means that unconfirmed ancestor transactions will be considered twice or more, as in the case of transaction A in our example which is considered once as part of the transaction B+A group and once on its own. We'll deal with this complication in a moment.

These transaction Transaction time bitcoin mining are then sorted in feerate order as described in the previous Feerate section:

Any individual transaction that appears twice or more in the sorted list has its redundant copies removed. In the example case, we remove the standalone version of transaction A since it's already part of the transaction B+A group:

Finally, we see if we can squeeze in some smaller transactions into the end of the block to avoid wasting space as described in the previous Feerate section. In this case, we can't, so no changes are made.

Except for some edge cases that are rare and rarely have a significant impact on revenue, this simple and efficient transaction sorting algorithm maximizes miner feerate revenue after factoring in transaction dependencies.

Note: to ensure the algorithm runs quickly, implementations such as Bitcoin Core limit the maximum number of related transactions that will be collected together for consideration as one group. As of Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 (released late 2017), this is a maximum of 25 transactions, although there have been proposals to increase this amount somewhat.

For spenders, miner use of transaction grouping means that if you're waiting Transaction time bitcoin mining an unconfirmed transaction that pays too low a feerate (e. g. transaction A), you can create a child transaction spending an output of that transaction and which pays a much higher feerate (e. g. transaction B) to encourage miners to confirm both transactions in the same block. Wallets that explicitly support this feature often call it Child pays for parent (CPFP) because the child transaction B helps pay for the parent transaction A.

To calculate the feerate for a transaction group, sum the fees paid by all the the group's unconfirmed transactions and divide that by the sum of the sizes for all those same transactions (in weight units or vbytes). For example, if transaction A has a fee of 1,000 nanobitcoins and a size of 250 vbytes and transaction B has a fee of 3,000 nanobitcoins and a size of 150 vbytes, the combined feerate is (1,000 + 3,000)/(250 + 150), which is 10 nanobitcoins per vbyte.

The idea behind ancestor feerate grouping goes back to at least 2013 and saw several different proposals to add it to Bitcoin Core, with it finally becoming available for production with the August 2016 release of Bitcoin Core 0.13.0.[5]

Reference Transaction time bitcoin mining following Transaction time bitcoin mining describe the behavior of the reference implementation as of version 0.12.0. Earlier versions treated fees differently, Transaction time bitcoin mining do other popular implementations (including possible later versions).


Users can decide to pay a predefined fee rate by setting `-paytxfee=<n>` (or `settxfee <n>` rpc Transaction time bitcoin mining runtime). A value of `n=0` signals Bitcoin Core to use floating fees. By default, Bitcoin Core will use floating fees.

Based on past transaction data, floating fees approximate the fees required to get into the `m`th block from now. This is configurable with `-txconfirmtarget=<m>` (default: `2`).

Sometimes, it is not possible to give good estimates, or an estimate at all. Transaction time bitcoin mining, a fallback value can be set with `-fallbackfee=<f>` (default: `0.0002` BTC/kB).

At all times, Bitcoin Core will cap fees at `-maxtxfee=<x>` (default: 0.10) BTC. Furthermore, Bitcoin Core will never create transactions smaller than the current minimum relay fee. Finally, a user can set the minimum fee rate for all transactions with `-mintxfee=<i>`, which defaults to 1000 satoshis per kB.

Note that a typical transaction is 500 bytes.

Including in Blocks

This section describes how the reference implementation selects which transactions to put into new blocks, with default settings. All of the settings may be changed if a miner wants Transaction time bitcoin mining create larger or smaller blocks containing more or fewer free transactions.

Then transactions that pay a fee of at least 0.00001 BTC/kb are added to the block, highest-fee-per-kilobyte transactions first, until the block is not more than 750,000 bytes big.

The remaining transactions remain in the miner's "memory pool", and may be included in Transaction time bitcoin mining blocks if their priority or fee is large enough.

For Bitcoin Core 0.12.0 zero bytes[6] in the block are set aside for the highest-priority transactions. Transactions are added highest-priority-first to this section of the block.


The reference implementation's rules for relaying transactions across the peer-to-peer network are very similar to the rules for sending transactions, as a value of 0.00001 BTC is used to determine whether or not a transaction is considered "Free". However, the rule that all outputs must be 0.01 BTC or larger does not apply. To prevent "penny-flooding" denial-of-service attacks on the network, the reference implementation caps the number of free transactions it will Transaction time bitcoin mining to other nodes to (by default) 15 thousand bytes per minute.


Setting Default Value (units)
txconfirmtarget2 (blocks)
paytxfee0 (BTC/kB)
mintxfee0.00001 (BTC/kB)
limitfreerelay15 (thousand bytes per minute)
minrelaytxfee0.00001 (BTC/kB)
blockmaxsize750000 (bytes) Transaction time bitcoin mining blockminsize0 (bytes)
blockprioritysize0 (bytes)

Fee Plotting Sites

As of May 2016, the following sites seem to plot the required fee, in satoshi per (kilo)byte, required to get a transaction mined in a certain number of blocks. Note that all these algorithms Transaction time bitcoin mining in terms of probabilities.

Other Useful Sites

    Https://anduck. net/bitcoin/fees/ - Shows what kind of fees filled up recent blockshttps://btc. com/stats/unconfirmed-tx - the Transaction time bitcoin mining of the website's mempool broken down by fee ratehttps://jochen-hoenicke. de/queue/#1w - another mempool broken down by fee rate sitehttps://esotericnonsense. com/ - yet another mempool site, also very goodhttp://mempool. us. to/tx. html - Tells you where a unconfirmed txid is in the queue based on its fee rate (Note that not all miners use the same algorithm)https://estimatefee. com/ Transaction time bitcoin mining You can click any of the transactions in that graph to get more info (like its "effective fee rate" which uses recursive ancestors/descendants Transaction time bitcoin mining CPFP) and an estimated amount of blocks it'll take to confirm. It works with any transaction in the top 100MB of the bitcoin mempool. And you can enter in any transaction txid for info when you'er wondering why it doesn't confirm. https://mempool. space/ - Shows how the next few blocks are shaping up and the range of fees per block. Helps estimate the low end fee to use to Transaction time bitcoin mining into the next block.

Priority transactions

Historically it was not required to include a fee for every transaction. A large portion of miners Transaction time bitcoin mining mine transactions with no fee given that they had enough "priority". Today, low priority is mostly used as an indicator for spam transactions and almost all miners expect every transaction to include a fee. Today miners choose which transactions to mine only based on fee-rate.

Transaction priority was calculated as a value-weighted sum of input age, divided by transaction size in bytes:

Priority = sum(input_value_in_base_units * input_age)/size_in_bytes

Transactions needed to have a priority above 57,600,000 to avoid the enforced limit (as of client version 0.3.21). This threshold was written in the code as COIN * 144 / 250, suggesting that the threshold represents a one day old, 1 btc coin (144 is the expected number of blocks per day) and a transaction size of 250 bytes.

So, for example, a transaction that has 2 inputs, one of 5 btc with 10 confirmations, and one of 2 btc with 3 confirmations, and has a size of 500bytes, will have a priority of

(500000000 * 10 + 200000000 * 3) / 500 = 11,200,000

Historic rules for free transactions

A transaction was safe to send without fees if these conditions were met:

    It Transaction time bitcoin mining smaller than 1,000 bytes. All outputs are 0.01 BTC or larger. Its priority is large enough (see above)

See Also


↑How to Destroy Bitcoins by Antoine Le Calvez, Medium. com, retrieved 2018-01-03↑"Looks like back in 2012, when tx fees started becoming common, some miners were claiming the standard 50 BTC and leaving all tx fees unclaimed.", Arvind Narayanan, Twitter. com, posted 2018-01-03, retrieved 2018-01-03↑Bram Cohen blog post with helpful background to the market for block space↑Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash, section Transaction time bitcoin mining Incentive, Satoshi Nakamoto, 2008-11-01, retrieved 2018-01-22↑More intelligent transaction selection for mining, Bitcoin Core 0.13.0 release notes, BitcoinCore. org, 2016-08-23, retrieved 2017-01-14↑https://github. com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.12.0/doc/release-notes. md#relay-and-mining-priority-transactionsReceiving the fees from hundreds of transactions (0.44 BTC)

Did you know?

Bitcoin transaction confirmation is needed to prevent double-spending minig the same money. One of the main advantages of bitcoin is that it avoids the problem of double-spending, i. e. the risk that a digital currency token may transactioj copied and spent more than once. In spite of having no central authority to verify that its tokens are not being duplicated, bitcoin successfully Transaction time bitcoin mining double-spending through a system of decentralized transaction confirmation, based on the consensus of its users. Bitcoin transaction time is always changing and it depends on the miner's fee.

How to confirm bitcoin transaction?[edit]

A transaction is a transfer of value between Bitcoim wallets that gets included in the block chain[1]. Bitcoin transactions are not immediate. When a user wishes to send bitcoins, information is broadcast from her wallet to the (users in the) network, who verify that she has enough coins, and that they have tike been spent before. Once validated, miners will include this transaction – along with others – in a new block in the blockchain. This is called a Transaction confirmation. The transaction is now said to be "unconfirmed bitcoin transaction".

Each time a new block is added to the chain (every ten minutes), the transaction is said to be confirmed again. As a consensus, many Transaction time bitcoin mining wait for a transaction to be confirmed six times (after roughly sixty minutes) before accepting it as payment, to avoid double-spending. Users will usually show a transaction as "n/unconfirmed" until it is six blocks deep.

Bitcoin Confirmation Time[edit]

To answer the question "How Minimg Does It Take To Transfer Bitcoin" it needs to understand that bitcoin transaction confirmation time depends on many factors. The deeper a transaction is buried, the harder it will be to minkng. Although 0/unconfirmed transactions could be reversed via Finney attack, race attack, or 51% attack, small amounts of money will not be worth the trouble. Larger sums are worth protecting bitdoin more bitcoin confirmations. The number six is just an arbitrary limit, beyond which the feasibility of an attacker being able mininy amass more than 10% of the network's hashrate for purposes of a transaction falsification becomes negligible (a risk lower than 0.1%).

Having understood how transactions occur, you should find out what affects the speed of processing and verification of information. To speed up the process, you need to know that it can slow down. Usually at the final time is affected by:

    network utilization; sharp jumps in the course; low commission.

The influence of the first factor is especially noticeable. When the system needs to process many requests, users have to wait. Especially long we have to wait in the days of peak activity, which is not often, transwction sometimes. Of great importance is the Commission paid to Transaction time bitcoin mining. The bigger it is, the higher the priority will be.

How long does bitcoin take to send? The size of the transaction has an influence on bitcoin confirmation time. It also has an additional impact: sending large amounts is much faster.

How many confirmations in bitcoin needed?[edit]

Although six confirmations is the consensus, merchants and exchanges that accept bitcoin as payment for their products and miningg should set their own standard of confirmations they require before accepting payment.

Freshly-minted bitcoins can only be minkng after 100 confirmations, to prevent coins from orphan blocks being spent. Older bitcoin client will not use newly-earned coins until they have 120 confirmations.

Number of Bitcoin Confirmations[edit]

A regular bitcoin client will show the transaction as “n / Transaction time bitcoin mining until its size in the chain becomes 6 blocks. Users and cryptocurrency exchanges that accept bitcoins as tiem set their threshold in the number of required blocks until the payment is confirmed.

To find out how many checks are required to process the transaction and how long to wait for the receipt of funds, it bitcoim necessary to understand the features of cryptocurrency transfers. This process consists of Transaction time bitcoin mining stages:

    addressee sends money; information about transactions is made in special blocks, each of which has a room and a hash (special data); the blocks are sent tiem scanning to different bktcoin if everything Transaction time bitcoin mining done correctly, the received information replenishes various databases; checked blocks complete the chain; the money goes to the recipient.

To make a transfer, the transaction must be verified in 6 blocks. If this does not happen, cryptogenic reach the final destination. Accordingly, the speed of bitcoin confirmations depends on the time of sending Finance.

Bitcoin transaction accelerator[edit]

Theoretically, it is impossible to speed up the confirmation of bitcoin transactions. Because it is impossible to increase the speed of data processing on another computer. But the transacction is somewhat different. Cryptocurrency holders can take advantage of several options:

    the increase in the size of the commission; using proven reliable wallets; the opening of the transaction; using multifunction purses that support the creation of multipurpose.

Additionally, visitors can use the alternative, involving the procurement transaction as a reserve. This option requires the creation of a private, independent gitcoin the wallet address bitcoins.

Depending on conditions the time of making the bitcoin payment can be both immediate and delayed for a few days. Therefore, in order not to be in a difficult situation, you should think in advance about all the details and decide how to speed up the process. And the most important is the size of the Commission and the reliability of the selected wallet. If miners get a good mniing, the priority of data processing will increase dramatically. A high-quality payment resource is able to make a financial transaction instant.


Principle example Transaction time bitcoin mining a Transaction time bitcoin mining transaction with 1 input and 1 output only[edit]


Input: Previous tx: f5d8ee39a430901c91a5917b9f2dc19d6d1a0e9cea205b009ca73dd04470b9a6 Index: 0 scriptSig: 304502206e21798a42fae0e854281abd38bacd1aeed3ee3738d9e1446618c4571d10 90db022100e2ac980643b0b82c0e88ffdfec6b64e3e6ba35e7ba5fdd7d5d6cc8d25c6b241501 Output: Value: 5000000000 scriptPubKey: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 404371705fa9bd789a2fcd52d2c580b65d35549d OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG


The input in this transaction imports 50 BTC from output #0 in transaction f5d8. Then the output sends 50 BTC to a Bitcoin address (expressed here in hexadecimal 4043. instead of the normal base58). When trwnsaction recipient wants to spend this money, he will reference output #0 of this bitcoi in an input of his own Transaction time bitcoin mining.


An Input is a reference to an output from a previous transaction. Multiple inputs are Transaction time bitcoin mining listed in a transaction. All of the new transaction's input values (that is, the total coin value of the previous outputs referenced by the new transaction's inputs) are added up, and the total (less any transaction fee) is completely used by the outputs of the new transaction. Previous tx is a hash of a previous transaction. Index is the specific output bjtcoin the referenced transaction. ScriptSig is the first half of a script (discussed in more detail later).

The script contains two components, a signature and a public key. The public key must match the hash given in the script of the redeemed output. The public key is used to verify the redeemers signature, which is the second component. More precisely, the second component is an ECDSA signature over a hash of a simplified version of the transaction. It, combined with the public key, proves the transaction was created by the real owner of the address in question. Various flags define how the transaction is simplified and can be used to create different types of payment.


An Output contains instructions for sending bitcoins. Value is the number of Satoshi (1 BTC = 100,000,000 Satoshi) that this Transaction time bitcoin mining will be worth when claimed. ScriptPubKey is the second half of a script (discussed later). There can be more Transaction time bitcoin mining one output, and they share the combined value transwction the inputs. Because each output from one transaction can only ever be referenced once by an input of a subsequent transaction, the entire Transaction time bitcoin mining input value needs to be sent in an output if you don't want fransaction lose it. If the input is worth 50 BTC but you only want to send 25 BTC, Bitcoin will create two bitocin worth 25 BTC: one to the destination, and one back Transaction time bitcoin mining you (known as "change", though you send it to yourself). Any input bitcoins not redeemed in an output is considered a transaction fee; whoever generates the block can claim it by inserting it into the coinbase transaction transaxtion that block.


To verify that inputs are authorized to collect trandaction values of referenced outputs, Bitcoin uses a custom Forth-like scripting system. Transaction time bitcoin mining input's scriptSig and Transaction time bitcoin mining Referenced output's scriptPubKey are evaluated (in that order), with scriptPubKey using the values left on the stack by scriptSig. The input is authorized if scriptPubKey returns true. Through the scripting system, the sender can create very tfansaction conditions that people have to meet in order to claim the output's value. For example, it's possible to create an output that can be claimed by anyone without any authorization. It's also possible to require that bitcoi input be signed by ten different keys, or be redeemable with a password instead of a key.

Types of Transaction[edit]

Bitcoin currently creates two different Transaction time bitcoin mining pairs. These are described below.

It is possible to design more complex types of transactions, and link them together into cryptographically enforced agreements. These are known as Contracts.


ScriptPubKey: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <pubKeyHash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG scriptSig: <sig> <pubKey>

A Transactiom address is only a hash, so the sender can't provide a full public key muning scriptPubKey. When redeeming Transaction time bitcoin mining that have been sent to a Bitcoin address, the recipient provides both the signature and the public key. The script verifies that the provided public key does hash to the hash in scriptPubKey, and then it also checks the transacion against the public key.

Checking process:

Stack Script fime Description
Empty.<sig> <pubKey> OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <pubKeyHash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG moning scriptSig and scriptPubKey are combined.
<sig> <pubKey>OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <pubKeyHash> OP_EQUALVERIFY Transaction time bitcoin miningConstants are added to the stack.
<sig> <pubKey> <pubKey>OP_HASH160 <pubKeyHash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIGTop stack item is duplicated.
<sig> <pubKey> <pubHashA><pubKeyHash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIGTop stack item is hashed.
<sig> <pubKey> <pubHashA> <pubKeyHash>OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIGConstant added.
<sig> <pubKey>OP_CHECKSIGEquality is checked between the top two stack items.
TrueEmpty.Signature is checked for top two stack items.


ScriptPubKey: OP_HASH160 <scriptHash> OP_EQUAL scriptSig: .signatures. <serialized script> m-of-n multi-signature transaction: scriptSig: 0 <sig1> . <script> script: OP_m <pubKey1> . OP_n OP_CHECKMULTISIG Transaction time bitcoin mining P2SH addresses were created with the motivation of moving "the responsibility for supplying the conditions to redeem a transaction from the sender of the funds to the redeemer. They allow the jining to fund an arbitrary transaction, no matter how complicated, using a 20-byte hash"1. Pay-to-Pubkey-hash addresses are similarly a 20-byte hash of the public key.

Pay-to-script-hash provides a means for complicated Transaction time bitcoin mining, unlike the Pay-to-pubkey-hash, which has a specific definition for scriptPubKey, and scriptSig. The specification places no tranasction on mmining script, and hence absolutely any contract can be funded transction these addresses.

The scriptPubKey in the funding transaction is script which ensures that the script supplied in the redeeming transaction hashes to Transaction time bitcoin mining script used to create the address.

In the scriptSig above, 'signatures' refers to any script which is sufficient to satisfy the following serialized script.

Checking process:

Stack Script Description
Empty.0 <sig1> <sig2> OP_2 <pubKey1> <pubKey2> <pubKey3> OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIGOnly the scriptSig is used.
0 <sig1> <sig2> OP_2 <pubKey1> <pubKey2> <pubKey3> OP_3OP_CHECKMULTISIGConstants are added to the stack.
trueBitcoimTransacyion validated in the order of the keys in the script.

Bitcoin address[edit]

Main Page: Bitcoin address

Bitcoin address is an identifier (account number), starting with 1 or 3 and containing 27-34 alphanumeric Latin characters Transaction time bitcoin mining 0, O, I). Bitcoin gransaction can be also represented as a QR-code. The addresses are anonymous Transaction time bitcoin mining do not contain information about the owner. A bitcoin address can be obtained for free, using, for example, Bitcoin software. Bitcoin address example:


Addresses can be generated at no Transaction time bitcoin mining mihing any user of Bitcoin. For example, using Bitcoin Core, one can click "New Address"fl and be assigned an address. It is also Transaction time bitcoin mining to get a Bitcoin address using an account at an exchange or online wallet service.

There are currently two bitcoin address format in common use:

Common P2PKH which begin with the number 1, eg: 6.

Newer P2SH type starting with the number 3, eg:. Transaction time bitcoin mining Also on BitcoinWiki[edit]

External Links[edit]


↑n. d., How does Bitcoin work?, Bitcoin. org, n. d. Retrieved 02/03/18.

Security - Why was the target block time chosen to be 10 minutes? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange

Anyone who has ever dealt with Bitcoin knows that there are two problems – low transaction speed and high transaction fees. In 2009, when the cryptocurrency just appeared, the issue of transaction speed was non-existent. Transactions were carried out in fractions of a second even with zero Transaction time bitcoin mining fees.

Today, the load on the network has increased dramatically, which has resulted in a huge number of unconfirmed transactions. However, as they say, modern problems require modern solutions. For this reason, Bitcoin Transaction Accelerators were introduced.

What Is Bitcoin Transaction Accelerator?

To prevent freezing of BTC and unconfirmed financial transactions, Bitcoin accelerators have been launched. 

A transaction accelerator is an online service that speeds up transaction processing by distributing this task over miners. 

Some BTC transaction accelerator services are paid, some are available for free. You can accelerate a BTC transaction worth 100-200 for free. When it comes to larger sums, fees will apply. 

How to Cancel Unconfirmed Transaction 

Take into consideration that cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible. Yet, if your transaction is stuck unconfirmed, some steps can be taken to cancel such a transaction. Most probably a transaction got stuck bicoin miner’s fee was too low. Therefore, no miner wants to Transaction time bitcoin mining it. To cancel a transaction, you should:

    Check whether a transaction is confirmed. To do that, copy the Transaction ID and enter it to a cryptocurrency block explorer (BTC. com for BTC, Ethererscan. io minjng ETH, Tengram. com for GRAM, etc.) See the number of confirmations. Bictoin there are 0 confirmations, the transaction can be bitcpin. If not, the transaction is currently processing and can’t be reversed. 

Once you know that your transaction is not in the blockchain yet, there are several ways to get it back. Take a look at strategies that might help you mkning unconfirmed BTC transaction. 

#1. Replace by Fee (RBF) 

There are wallets that support an RBF method, for example, BitcoinCore, Bitrefill, and so on. An RPF protocol allows you to replace an unconfirmed transaction with another one with a higher miner fee.

However, this method works if you initially set Transaction time bitcoin mining an RBF option in the wallet when sending the first transaction. Otherwise, it will not help. However, there is another way to cancel an unconfirmed transaction.

#2. Double spend with higher miner fee

Double spending is considered to be a problem within the blockchain space. But now, it might help you reverse the transaction. Create a new transaction with the same amount of BTC as the original transaction has and send it to yourself (to your address). At this stage, don’t forget to enter a higher miner fee to avoid another stuck transaction.

Note, That you probably need to use another crypto wallet or a ceratin software that allows a double-spending feature for the transaction to be rebroadcasted to the blockchain.

Top 5 Bitcoin Transaction Accelerators to Use in 2020

Use the below-mentioned services to speed up Bitcoin transactions: these platforms have proved to be highly efficient and reliable. Both paid and free platforms are available – choose the one that fits your budget and requirements.


First of all, you should pay attention to free Bitcoin transaction accelerators. One of the most popular solutions is ViaBTC. Its indisputable advantages include:

    No mandatory account Transaction time bitcoin mining 100 accelerations are carried out every 60 minutes. Free and at the same nining quality services. The maximum confirmation time is 72 hours. However, most often it occurs within a few hours.

Be ready that your attempt to perform free acceleration will be rejected. There is perhaps one botcoin drawback to this resource. Due to its ever-growing popularity among users, it is difficult to submit applications.

How to use ViaBTC? Users simply enter the transaction ID and captcha, and their transaction gets added to the queue. Such transactions will be added to the next block mined by the ViaBTC mihing and cloud mining clients.

For paid BTC acceleration, you need to email [email protected] and request access to the service. The customer support Transaction time bitcoin mining will send you the address of the Bitcoin wallet to which you need to transfer 0.01 BTC. In the response transqction, you should Transaction time bitcoin mining two transaction numbers: the one you want to speed up, and the one you sent as the commission (0.01 BTC).

After that, your transaction will receive a confirmation online. Of course, it’s worth using Transaction time bitcoin mining paid version only when a large amount of money is being processed – all in all, 0.01 BTC is a rather huge fee.


Unlike ViaBTC, AntPool requires registering. You will need to enter the transaction ID, as well as the HEX code. To get this code, you will have to use blockchain. info. To do this, Transaction time bitcoin mining need to find your transaction and add the phrase ‘? Format = hex’ in the Transaction time bitcoin mining bar. It will receive confirmation within 2-10 blocks. You need to wait up to 72 hours, although pretty often, transactions are confirmed much faster.

This BTC confirmation accelerator is quite easy to use. The process includes the following steps:

Registration. Click the “Register” button, specify the email address and come up with a strong password, duplicating it in the bottom line. Enter the captcha (Code), agree to the terms of the user agreement and create an account by clicking on the blue Create Account button. A message with an activation link will be sent to the email inbox. The transition activates the account. Next, select the place of residence (country of residence) and indicate the phone number. Confirm it. To perform transaction verification, indicate the Transaction time bitcoin mining address and password and click the “Sign In” button. Specify the ID and HEX operations. Information on the HEX code can be found on the B-info website. Add the cipher? Format = Transaction time bitcoin mining to the code, enter a line in the browser and press Transaction time bitcoin mining. The program will generate the code. Solve captcha and confirm the actions performed. Thanks to the accelerator, the transaction tie be confirmed within 72 hours, in 2-10 blocks. 

If the payment is not confirmed for a long time, other BTC Transaction time bitcoin mining options should be considered.

BTC. com

Need quick confirmation? BTC. com is probably the best Bitcoin transaction accelerator. The probability of transaction confirmation within 60 minutes reaches Transaction time bitcoin mining or 98% within up to 4 hours.

To process your transaction on the BTC. com accelerator website, you will need to enter the ID of your transaction and click “Estimate price”. The service will calculate the fee, and if the user is okay with it, he can pay (BCH and WebMoney payments are minig. BTC transactions will be confirmed within 2-4 hours.


How to speed up Bitcoin transaction without huge commissions? ConfirmTX Bitcoin transaction accelerator charges only $5 for 250+ bytes of transactions. All other transactions will be processed free of charge. No registration is required here. Just enter TXID on the main page.

Transactions are sent immediately to several pools timf which the service works. Bitcoin transaction confirmation will occur within 72 hours, but most often, the confirmation is finished within 12 hours. If the transaction takes longer, the service will provide you with a free confirmation in the future.


This is a free Bitcoin transaction accelerator that allows you to deal with multiple unconfirmed transactions within the network. BitAccelerate requires submitting the transaction ID or TXID and Transaction time bitcoin mining on the “Accelerate” button. After that, your transaction will be resubmitted by utilizing 10 Bitcoin hubs.

To get a quicker result, you can resubmit your ‘stuck’ transaction every six hours and the BitAccelerate will continue broadcasting until it is Transaction time bitcoin mining. No sign-up is required for utilizing the service.

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With the help of bitcoin transaction accelerator service, you can solve the problem of stuck transactions (all in all, there are no limits, and theoretically, some operations might take months or years to be confirmed). However, it’s important to choose reliable services only. In fact, there’s no need to overpay Transaction time bitcoin mining you can use free Bitcoin accelerators.

Here’s a lifehack: register your transaction in ViaBTC in the first minute of each hour. It increases your chances of getting into the 100 first requests. If you send your order at the end tgansaction the hour, most likely, your transaction will be rejected.

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Changelly is a secure instant crypto exchange that has 150+ cryptocurrencies available to be swapped and bought at market-best rates. Operating since 2015, the platform and its mobile application attract over a million visitors monthly, who all enjoy quick and simple exchanges, low transparent fees, and 24/7 live support.

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