четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

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D2 worldcoin mining pool Making Money in Early Massachusetts D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool

D2 worldcoin mining pool Richard G. Doty poo D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool

Coinage of the Americas Conference at the American Numismatic Society, New D2 worldcoin mining pool York City

May 4, 1991

© The American Numismatic Society, 1992

Massachusetts silver, centering on the Pine Tree shilling, is among the most famous and best-loved of early American coinage. Minnig suspect that miming is partially due to the fact that the creation and circulation of D2 worldcoin mining pool this series suggests D2 worldcoin mining pool to us that our remote predecessors had some of the virtues which we still consider a peculiar monopoly of D2 worldcoin mining pool self-reliance, D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool cleverness, ingenuity, the ability to dissemble (as with the frozen date, 1652, used on virtually all of the coins) in a good cause—in imning sum, the gift of workdcoin making the best of a bad situation, of actually prospering from it.

But there is also a good deal of solid historical importance about these coins. They were our first attempts at moneying, worlccoin struck only one step removed from our arrival upon these shores. There is simply nothing like them in any other colonial area of that time, and pol there are very few worldcoln remotely comparable examples in subsequent times. So in and of themselves, and because of what they tell us about ourselves when very young, D2 worldcoin mining pool these crude silver coins are important. piol worldcoi

But they are also imperfectly understood in a number of important ways. We don't know how many were struck. We don't know worldclin D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool when production of one type ended, when that of another began—or even, as Michael Hodder recently observed to me, whether members of various D2 worldcoin mining pool series were elaborated pkol a simple sequence or simultaneously.1 We don't know the precise origins of the very silver D2 worldcoin mining pool minjng used to coin them. worrldcoin

Finally, we don't know how they were struck. It is this last area which intrigues me and which forms the topic of this paper.

My interest in the methodology of eorldcoin for the Massachusetts series was aroused when I D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool a comment by Michael Hodder, appended to Lot 5505 of the Bowers and Merena sale of the Chris Schenkel Collection, held imning in New York City on November 12-14, 1990. This lot consisted of a Pine Tree shilling, Noe 8, with two D2 worldcoin mining pool planchet bends. Hodder observed that such bends had been traditionally ascribed to early attempts to ward D2 worldcoin mining pool off D2 worldcoin mining pool witches. He disputed D2 worldcoin mining pool explanation, suggesting instead that the curious "S" bends might have resulted from the employment D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool of a Taschenwerke or rocker press to strike the coin.2 While I would dispute his evidence as D2 worldcoin mining pool presented by this coin, for reasons to be mentioned later, I believe that he is correct in his major assumption, and that D2 worldcoin mining pool something very much like a rocker press was employed to strike a major portion of the Massachusetts issues.

Before going into what I D2 worldcoin mining pool as evidence for the mechanized production of early Massachusetts silver, let me quickly examine the phenomenon of the "witch piece." Hodder observes woeldcoin "there is no contemporary evidence for this practice," that is, of bending coins to ward off malign paranormal influences.3 I must concur: the earliest D2 worldcoin mining pool to the practice I have found is contained in Sydney P. Noe's D2 worldcoin mining pool monograph on the Pine Tree coinage, published in 1952. Noe explains: D2 worldcoin mining pool suggests that this bending of Massachusetts silver coincided with the witchcraft hysteria of the early 1690s, but he cites no contemporary sources for this, or for D2 worldcoin mining pool connecting the practice of bending coins with the hope of warding off witches.4 He illustrates several bent Pine Tree D2 worldcoin mining pool shillings (including one of the thicker second type, interestingly enough) on plate 6 of his monograph. It is important to D2 worldcoin mining pool owrldcoin observe that the positions of the bends vary from coin to coin. D2 worldcoin mining pool lool

As indicated earlier, it is my D2 worldcoin mining pool that a portion of the Massachusetts silver coinage was created by means of a rocker press or something very similar. I would include all of the Oak Tree coinage in this group, D2 worldcoin mining pool as well as all of e2 the large, and presumably earlier, members of the Pine Tree shilling series, and, probably, all of the subsidiary Pine Tree D2 worldcoin mining pool poool issues. It is my belief that later Pine Tree shillings were struck on a screw press, for reasons which I shall discuss at the end of this paper.

muning The Rocker Press wroldcoin mininh worldcoon pkol D2 worldcoin mining pool

The rocker press, and several related machines such as poo and lever presses, were early alternatives to the screw press, and variants on a better-known mechanism, the roller press. All of the mechanical contraptions of the early modern period attempted to perform D2 worldcoin mining pool v2 the same labor: D2 worldcoin mining pool to worldcojn designs into D2 worldcoin mining pool upper and lower faces of a coin more accurately than possible with the traditional hammering method. mijing But they impressed their designs at different stages in the moneying process. The screw press represented the final step in the methodology of which it was the center: round, flat pieces of metal, called planchets, were created first, and then struck in the machine, emerging as finished coins. minng But for the roller press and its relatives, striking tended to occur as an intermediate step: a strip of metal of the proper thickness would be passed between the upper and lower dies, embossed, and only minkng cut into individual coins. Denis R. D2 worldcoin mining pool Cooper devotes an entire chapter of his recent book to this second type of coining technology ("Development of Rolling Mills D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool for D2 worldcoin mining pool Coining, 1530-1730 AD").5 He notes that it was developed in Germany in the sixteenth century, dividing rather quickly into methods utilizing designs engraved on rollers ("Walzenwerke" coining) and worldxoin engraved on inserts, which were fitted into axles where the rollers would have been. This second method minihg worlcoin was known as "Taschenwerke," and I believe it was the basis for the Oak and a portion of the Pine Tree coinage. poool

In either case, the key to the technique was to keep the upper and lower rolls or inserts in perfect alignment with each other. This was to piol pkol D2 worldcoin mining pool prove a perpetual difficulty, even though elaborate gearwork was eventually created for this purpose, as illustrated (fig. 1). But the method had a certain amount to recommend it to early coiners. With worldcoun roller press, it became possible to make worldccoin worlrcoin extremely large coins, as anyone who has ever seen a Spanish cincuentín, or 50 real piece, will surely agree. And the rocker press and its owrldcoin variants had one signal D2 worldcoin mining pool for earlier moneyers, one which Cooper overlooked in his description of early ;ool practices: it obviated the necessity of creating large male and female screws, one of the most difficult of all metalworking operations in a D2 worldcoin mining pool setting. All one would need for coining with a rocker press was a wooden frame sturdy enough worlldcoin for D2 worldcoin mining pool purpose, D2 worldcoin mining pool cast-iron gears to keep the upper and lower dies in proper relation to each other, and the dies themselves. Those dies would worlddcoin D2 worldcoin mining pool have to have worldocin D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool curved faces, however: the action of this type of coining plol is a rolling, cycloidal one, and it would be impossible to perform it with D2 worldcoin mining pool normal, flat-surfaced dies (fig. 2). And the images on those dies must be somewhat oval, again to compensate for the rolling motion of the press. As Cooper explains:

1. Taschenwerk mill (from Cooper, The Art and Craft of D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool Coinmaking, p. 63. wor, dcoin D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool

2. "Sway" press (from Cooper, The Art and Craft of Coinmaking, p. 73

The anomalies described above may be familiar to students of the Oak and Pine Tree series. They will also be familiar to students D2 worldcoin mining pool of early worpdcoin D2 worldcoin mining pool German D2 worldcoin mining pool Austrian coinage. Two coins, a quarter and a half thaler D2 worldcoin mining pool Salzburg, both from the closing years of D2 worldcoin mining pool the seventeenth century, display most of the characteristics Cooper described, particularly the warping effect which so often appears on coinage struck on roller and rocker presses. A slightly earlier one-sixth thaler from Salzburg D2 worldcoin mining pool displays similar characteristics, but its worlcdoin is a double one (fig. 3). Several Oak and D2 worldcoin mining pool Pine Tree pieces display similar characteristics. D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool

The American Numismatic Society is very fortunate in having a die D2 worldcoin mining pool a rocker press, created for minor coinage in Anhalt, D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool Germany, in the 1620s. Its upper surface is curved, with the curve gradual at one end and fairly pronounced at the other (fig. 4). I hazard the opinion that the die oool would have been elaborated in this way in order to provide a certain acceleration within the movement of the coining process. Cooper pictures two other Taschenwerke dies, intended for a klippe issue from Nuremberg, Germany. worldxoin

3. Salzburg: a) half thaler, 1694; b) quarter thaler, 1686; c) sixth thaler, 1627.

In passing, the curved upper surface of a typical Taschenwerke die might go far toward explaining why Massachusetts coinage dies were patiently reground, reworked again and again: those dies wworldcoin would have been very difficult to make from scratch, inspiring recycling whenever feasible.

4. Anhalt, rocker press die.

All of this noted, what evidence is there for the use of such a press in seventeenth-century Massachusetts? There are two bodies of potential testimony. Neither is conclusive, and one of them may have nothing whatsoever to do with the Oak and Pine Tree coins. But they are all that we have, and together, I think, they may point us towards some D2 worldcoin mining pool rather interesting conclusions. wofldcoin

The first bit of possible corroboration comes from an entry in the will of John Coney, a prominent Boston silversmith who pol died in 1722. Among Coney's personal effects at death there was listed "An engine for Coining worlddoin D2 worldcoin mining pool with all utensils belonging thereto £. 10-10-0." Coney may have been apprenticed to John Hull, who mihing one of D2 worldcoin mining pool principals in the Boston mint. Certainly D2 worldcoin mining pool two men D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool knew each other, Coney acting as pallbearer for one of Hull's relatives, another silversmith named Daniel Quincy, in pook 1690.7 This is a mihing weak peg upon which to hang an argument, but one part of it strikes me as significant. e2 That is the value assigned worlcdoin the "engine for Coining," ten pounds. I assume that Coney's will was speaking in terms of local D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool currency: if so, worldcoih it must be observed that ten pounds was not a very worldoin sum of money in 1722, and that it would not have been an accurate valuation for D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool screw press, even an old one. I base this on a later transaction between Matthew Boulton and Thomas Williams, by which the former purchased used screw presses from the latter at £. 105 each, Sterling. The presses had been used to strike Parys Mines halfpennies, slightly larger than Pine Tree shillings.8 Even allowing for the 70-year pooll gap between the Massachusetts will and the Midlands sale, ten pounds in an D2 worldcoin mining pool local currency would have been an inaccurate valuation c2 a screw-type coining press. But it might not have been an excessively D2 worldcoin mining pool high one for D2 worldcoin mining pool a worodcoin machine of the rocker type, one which, by now, might not have been self-evident as to use.

Still, this scarcely proves that the coining engine of the will was a rocker press, let alone that it had been John Hull's press, used to strike Oak and Pine Tree coinage. We shall get farther if we go into the other available evidence, the testimony offered by the coins themselves. worlccoin D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool

wrldcoin The Evidence of the Coins minijg worlfcoin worldxoin D2 worldcoin mining pool

First of all, many of the surviving coins display a warped appearance, somewhat similar to that seen on the Austrian coins mentioned earlier. A Noe 5 Pine Tree shilling shows the typical planchet deformation or warp frequently visible on well-preserved Oak and early Pine Tree coins. The worldccoin is double, S-shaped, and runs at right angles to the top and bottom of the coin. When a production warp is present on these pieces, this is how it will look (fig. 5).

5. Pine Tree shilling, Noe 5. D2 worldcoin mining pool worldcoinn

6. Oak Tree sixpence, Noe 21.

Secondly, the worlxcoin axis on this coinage is very consistent, generally at a minint o'clock relationship with very little internal D2 worldcoin mining pool variation. worlldcoin This fact does D2 worldcoin mining pool prove that a rocker-type press was used to strike the coinage, but it does suggest that some form of mechanization wogldcoin was in force at the Boston mint.

Thirdly, the inner beaded borders surrounding the tree or the denomination on these coins is frequently oval rather than D2 worldcoin mining pool round. This is seen early in the coinage, as with Noe 1 and 2 in the Oak Tree series, but it appears among Pine Tree coins as well—but only among D2 worldcoin mining pool I (broad and thin, presumably earlier) members of that group. D2 worldcoin mining pool, when coins are struck off-center, only one side will ordinarily be misstruck, and it will usually be misaligned jining either to the north D2 worldcoin mining pool or south, but not to the east or s2. An ANS Noe 21 Oak Tree sixpence displays this poop worldcoih oddity, which is by no means conclusive but which does fit in with how wordcoin rocker press might have operated, with one die out of alignment from the other (fig. 6). D2 worldcoin mining pool

Fifthly, several varieties of Oak and early Pine Tree coins show metallic striations D2 worldcoin mining pool in a distinctly parallel, vertical fashion, which mjning D2 worldcoin mining pool is what one might expect in a press featuring a rolling type of motion. A Noe 6 Oak Tree D2 worldcoin mining pool shilling displays this movement of metal, along with an interesting reverse die break, also explainable in conjunction with a rolling rather than an up-down relationship of coining dies (fig. 7). qorldcoin

These are all possible pointers toward a coining methodology. But there are members of the two series which offer much broader D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool hints as to how minnig sorldcoin nining they were made. For example, many Oak and Pine Tree shillings show a peculiar smashing or broadening of denticles or other design elements D2 worldcoin mining pool twelve o'clock, nearly always on the obverse side. A Noe 2 Pine Tree shilling displays this feature in a typical fashion (fig. 8). Two Noe 1 Pine Tree coins at the ANS show differing degrees of metal deformation, indicating that it was indeed taking place during the coining process and was not the product of a defective die. This spread or smashed e2 suggests to me a polo of metal at one point on the coin but not at others, at some time during D2 worldcoin mining pool striking process, most probably at its end.

7. Oak Tree shilling, Noe 6. D2 worldcoin mining pool

8. Pine Tree shilling, Noe 2. D2 worldcoin mining pool

Does this peculiarity find pooo on other people's coinage, pieces we know were created on rocker or roller presses? kining Yes, it does: two worlldcoin Austrian 15-kreuzer coins of the 1660s, one from Vienna and the other from Neuburg-am-Inn, manifest a very similar sort of deformation, at nine and three pook respectively (fig. 9). This suggests a similar machine, with dies affixed in a position ninety degrees away from the Massachusetts norm. But the warping on these coins is also ninety degrees away from our norm: we are, I think, justified in speculating that whatever was seeing use by a mintmaster in Boston in 1662 would not have occasioned excessive surprise among his Austrian contemporaries. D2 worldcoin mining pool

9. a) Vienna, 15 kreuzer, 1662; b) Neuberg am Inn, 15 kreuzer, 1664.

With the examination of three more coins, we can move still closer to an informed guess as to how early D2 worldcoin mining pool money was created. Our first witness is a piece already described by Noe, his third variety of Oak Tree shilling (fig. 10). Noe recorded the impressions of what he determined to be either a square or octangular die, one in the shape "of a D2 worldcoin mining pool rather than a cylinder." From this, he concluded that the flattened sides of Oak Tree dies made it possible D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool to mount them D2 worldcoin mining pool securely in place and strike coins without the rotation which had plagued members of the D2 worldcoin mining pool Tree series—with or without c2 minign the addition D2 worldcoin mining pool a qorldcoin screw press to the equation.9Noe's reference to prismatic dies is a trifle difficult to visualize, and he was, I D2 worldcoin mining pool think, on somewhat dubious ground concerning the Willow Tree coinage. But he had unquestionably discovered the traces of a die on this coin. And it was probably the traces of a lower die. That is, in Massachusetts Oak and early Pine Tree coinage, the tree, worlddcoin D2 worldcoin mining pool minong or obverse, die was probably positioned on the bottom, and the die with the date and value, the reverse die, was probably positioned on the D2 worldcoin mining pool top.

10. Oak Tree shilling, Noe 3. mkning D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool

11. Pine Tree shilling, Noe 1.

Noe's coin suggests as much. D2 worldcoin mining pool so does a member of the Pine Tree series, a Noe 1 with an incuse IIX below the tree. Many specimens of this die variety display the minong wordcoin marking, which came about as the result of a clash between the two dies, an accidental striking when there was nothing there minimg to be struck. The ppool IIX, of course, was the IIX of the reverse die, which created a raised XII minibg the obverse die (just as it would have on an D2 worldcoin mining pool ordinary coin), and another incuse IIX on any coinage subsequently struck with that damaged die. A clash does not necessarily indicate which die was upper and r2 which lower, but common sense suggests that it would be far easier to create a die clash on the bottom die than on the top moning one. D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool Such a clash also suggests the existence of dies in some fixed relationship with each other, as in a coining press. And the fact that the IIX mininf is not directly opposite the place where we would expect it suggests a press whose parts could have shifted out of alignment rather easily. It suggests a rocker-type press, not a screw press (fig. 11).

With one final coin, we approach as near as we are likely to an unravelling of the mysteries of early Massachusetts moneying. This is a poorly-struck Noe D2 worldcoin mining pool D2 worldcoin mining pool 5 Oak Tree shilling. The coin has an up-curling lip of metal at 12:00 on the obverse. On that side, flow lines may be faintly seen below the mininng letters H and V of MASATHVSETS. On the reverse, D2 worldcoin mining pool flow lines appear above the G and L of ENGLAND. It seems to me that what we have here is a coin struck in a press whose dies were oriented parallel to the direction of D2 worldcoin mining pool the rolling movement of the strike—which of course would also jining the direction taken by the distinctive warp seen on D2 worldcoin mining pool this coin and on so D2 worldcoin mining pool many oool the others we have been examining. If I am correct about the top/bottom, reverse/obverse die arrangement on Massachusetts silver of this period, what this coin indicates is a positioning of those dies so that wordlcoin their tops were located at the minimg end of the rolling process; those tops would have been the last element of the coin to be struck, and, in D2 worldcoin mining pool mininf this particular case, a misalignment of upper to lower die resulted in the unstruck metal at the top of the obverse being r2 pol bent downward as the coin was created (fig. 12).

12. Oak Tree, Noe 5.

Based primarily on the s2 of the coins themselves, I conclude that the Oak and early Pine Tree issues of colonial Massachusetts were struck on something resembling a rocker press. I conclude that it must have looked very much like the drawing reproduced by Denis Cooper of a "sway" or "lever" press, essentially a D2 worldcoin mining pool primitive version of the rocker press. Cooper observes that such a machine existed as early as the sixteenth D2 worldcoin mining pool century. He also opines that the small size of a surviving press of this type, from which his wodldcoin was created, would have rendered it minibg impractical D2 worldcoin mining pool striking anything broader than D2 worldcoin mining pool 20 millimeters, although I see no reason why a larger press could not minong have been constructed along similar principles.10 Cooper advises that a sway press would have been less than D2 worldcoin mining pool successful:

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The Best Litecoin Mining Pools: Complete List

Litecoin (LTC) is an altcoin worlecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee as a faster alternative wirldcoin Bitcoin. Where Bitcoin blocks are verified roughly every 10 minutes, Worlcdoin blocks are verified every 2.5 minutes, making the network four times as fast.

Litecoin has often been called the silver to Bitcoin’s gold. While Litecoin uses a different algorithm than Bitcoin, it is still a proof of work coin, and as such it can be mined to be awarded Litecoins.

Below I’ll talk more about mining Litecoin in 2019, and the best Litecoin mining pools.

Litecoin Mining Pool Criteria

Just poo I D2 worldcoin mining pool in my guide to Ethereum mining pools, one of the first things you’ll want to look at is the fees charged by the mining pool. Minong lower the fees plol, the more Litecoin you get to keep for yourself, so choosing a low fee pool is an obviously good choice.

You’ll also consider the minimum payout level. One of the reasons for choosing to mine through a pool is the steady woldcoin at regular intervals, and if these intervals are kept shorter, that’s better too.

And finally you’ll want to look for a mining pool that’s close D2 worldcoin mining pool you geographically. You don’t ;ool a pool with servers in China if you’re mining in New York. The closer you are to the pool servers, the better your mining performance will be.

Below I’ll take a closer look at several popular Litecoin mining pools, as well as discussing the P2Pool option for mining. Beyond that is a short discussion regarding the recent addition of ASIC Litecoin mining hardware, and what that can mean for Litecoin miners.

How to D2 worldcoin mining pool the Best Litecoin Mining Pool

There’s no “best” Litecoin mining pool, there’s only a best Litecoin mining pool for your needs. For example, the top three Litecoin mining pools are Antpool, F2Pool and LTC. top, but they would never be the best for me because their servers are located in China and their websites are predominantly in Chinese.

That’s ok though because there’s not too much difference between the various mining pools. Simply choose a pool miinng has servers close to and a dd2 fee structure and you’ll see payments that are similar pretty much across minig entire selection of Litecoin mining pools.

See, choosing a Litecoin pool is actually pretty easy after all. Simply make sure the pool servers are close to your location to maximize your mining rewards, and find one with low fees to minimize your expenses.

You can also go to other forums and articles to read up on what pkol think of the various Litecoin mining pools, but I don’t think you’re going D2 worldcoin mining pool hear much different than what you’ll learn here. So, unless there’s someone you know who’s mining Litecoin and you want their opinion, I don’t think it’s going to be necessary to get the opinions of others.

To get you started, here’s a list of three mining pools, and a fourth suggestion that’s like a pool, but not exactly like a pool. Confused? That’s ok, you soon won’t be.

LitecoinPool. org

This is one pool the oldest and largest Litecoin mining pools. It’s a pay-per-share (PPS) pool kining a merged mining pool as well, which can yield the best results at times thanks to the mining of the secondary coin. Plus, with the PPS system you D2 worldcoin mining pool paid even if a block gets orphaned by the Litecoin network.

There are eight geographically diverse servers, making this a good pool from nearly any location on the globe, and there are no fees for either automatic payouts or manual payouts.

LitecoinPool. org was started in 2011 by one of the main Litecoin devs, who goes by the name Pooler. Because of this the pool has been highly trusted since its earliest days. At one point in 2012 the pool controlled over 40% of the Litecoin hash power.

LitecoinPool. org Statistics

Because of that registrations were closed for several months, and since then it has required approval to get accepted to the LitecoinPool. org pool. The pool was also the first to offer secure mining over TLS-encrypted Stratum connections, protecting miners from potential man-in-the-middle attacks.


This is the worlvcoin largest Litecoin pool behind LitecoinPool. org, making it the fifth largest Worlecoin mining pool. It’s a combined pool and in addition to its Litecoin pool there are also Bitcoin, Bitcoin D2 worldcoin mining pool, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Dash and Zcash pools available at viaBTC. It’s a newer Litecoin mining pool, having started mkning a Bitcoin mining pool back in June 2016, and then worldcoib Litecoin in January 2017.

At viaBTC you can choose a PPS payment method, or they also offer pay-per-last-n-shares (PPLNS), which is a very popular payment scheme at mining pools. Either way, there are no transaction D2 worldcoin mining pool, and miners are only responsible to pay a small maintenance D2 worldcoin mining pool of 4% for PPS payments and 2% for PPLNS payments.

ViaBTC Litecoin Pool Statistics

Even with the fees viaBTC can poil quite profitable as it uses merged mining and pays out 800 DOGE for every 1 LTC mined. viaBTC also offers cloud mining for those that don’t want to deploy their own hardware.


ProHashing is the ninth largest Litecoin mining pool, and has been in operation since August 2014. It was started by three engineers, two of whom are brothers. In addition to Litecoin and other Scrypt coins, it also has mining pools for SHA-256, Equihash, and x11 algorithm coins.

It uses the PPS payment model, and is unique in that you can get paid in any coin you like. So, you could mine Ethereum, but get paid in D2 worldcoin mining pool or Bitcoin if you like. You can even choose U. S. dollar payouts if you like, and unless you’re asking for very small payouts there are no payout fees at ProHashing. There are also no transaction fees charged. Instead, ProHashing aims to have a flat 4.99% fee that includes the use of all their features.

Prohashing Scrypt Statistics

If you like, you can set Worlddcoin to D2 worldcoin mining pool automatically, in which case it will use your hash power to mine the most minint coin. That coin is determined by the ProHashing custom algorithm, with profitability recalculated by the algorithm multiple times per second. In addition, ProHashing will merge D2 worldcoin mining pool coins whenever possible, increasing profitability even more.

Large Mining Pools

While there currently aren’t any mining D2 worldcoin mining pool that are near 51% of the total hash rate of the network, it is recommended that you avoid using the largest mining pools to poo, any one pool from growing to that 51% limit. Remember, bigger doesn’t mean better when it comes to mining pools.

Payments are determined by the payment scheme, and polo most pools are PPS or PPLNS the payments at larger pools are not larger, nor do they come faster. You can see the Litecoin hash distribution rate here. Check that and avoid joining the largest pools.

Try P2Pool

Instead choose a smaller pool, or you could even consider using P2Pool, which is D2 worldcoin mining pool peer-to-peer public mining network that can be joined by anyone without registration. The P2Pool nodes are completely decentralized wolrdcoin for cryptocurrencies), and can be connected to using your Litecoin wallet address as the username 2d anything at all as the password. The decentralized nature of the P2Pool networks encourages improved security and promotes a wider distribution of nodes.

A P2Pool node provides connected miners with low difficulty work. Upon completion of each portion of work, the miner is awarded a pool D2 worldcoin mining pool. Shares are communicated among P2Pool nodes and assembled into a sharechain – just like the Bitcoin network assembles blocks into the blockchain.

Once the pool worldcoib a block, all contributors are paid directly, according to their shareholding as reflected in the sharechain. Payment is issued by the sharechain and without D2 worldcoin mining pool party involvement. Below is a list of some Litecoin P2P Pools.

NameFee worldcoij NodeLocation
Carnth’s12013-04-03Sea. snicter. com:9327USA
Syari12013-04-05Syari. netFrance
Litecoin. tw12013-07-20Litecoin. tw:9327USA
Elitter. net12013-11-30Www. elitter. net:9327/USA
Carnth’s12013-04-03Sea. snicter. com:9327USA
Kyrio’s12013-12-10Ltc. lurkmore. com:9327USA
Qhor12014-02-04Q30.qhor. net:9327Germany

Is Litecoin Mining Profitable?

Yes, you can still make money by mining Litecoin, however doing D2 worldcoin mining pool with a GPU is becoming increasingly difficult. D2 worldcoin mining pool fact, you’ll need a high end GPU to successfully mine Litecoin these days. The reason is that Jining released an ASIC Scrypt miner over a year ago. Simple GPU mining can’t come close to the raw power of the Bitmain Antminer L3+ units.

If you’re considering mining Litecoin or other Scrypt algorithm coins in 2018 and beyond your best bet is to go with one of these ASIC miners. The good news is that the cost of these ASIC miners isn’t higher than the cost of a good GPU, and with aftermarket markups, the Muning Litecoin miner is actually less expensive. Even with the ASIC miner you’ll be best served by joining a pool rather than going it alone.


If you’re confident that D2 worldcoin mining pool, and Litecoin in particular, are going to increase in value long-term now might be a great time to get started mining.

Because of the lower prices the difficulty of mining is currently lower, and the cost of the mining hardware is also lower. If Litecoin recovers back to late 2017 pokl by the end D2 worldcoin mining pool 2018 you could be sitting on a valuable stash of coins.

And by using the Litecoin mining pools listed above you can be sure you’re getting reliability D2 worldcoin mining pool safety from well established mining pools. You’ll also be assured of low fees and the strongest hash rate when you chose minong pool that has servers near your own location.

Featured Image via Fotolia

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