четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

Bitcoin mining rig rentals. How To Create Mining Batch File Mining Rig Rentals Lyra2rev2 – LOULOU. Best mining rigs and mining PCs for Bitcoin, Ethereum and more | TechRadar

Bitcoin mining rig rentals. How To Create Mining Batch File Mining Rig Rentals Lyra2rev2 – LOULOU. Best mining rigs and mining PCs for Bitcoin, Ethereum and more | TechRadar

Team Bitcoin Ethereum Mining Rig Rental


Miningrigrentals-api-v2 is a JavaScript wrapper library over the MiningRigRentals (MRR) API, using es6/7 async functionality. First create a MRR and generate an API key and secret. Then simply download and import the library to start using it. Initialize the MRR class with your api key and secret, and call any method defined in the documentation!


To Bitcoin mining rig rentals for use in an application, install the latest version from NPM and save it to your. For this example we're using

$ npm install miningrigrentals-api-v2

Getting Started

To get started using Bitcoin mining rig rentals library, first import the class from the module.


After you have imported the api, you can go ahead and spawn a new Object. You must pass it your MRR api key and secret or else Bitcoin mining rig rentals class will not be able to make the API calls.


key: api_key,

secret: api_secret



Using your first method

To make sure the class was initiliazed correctly, we can test authorization by calling:

Let test =awaitMRR. whoami()

This library wraps every function in a es7 async/await wrapper. If instead you wish Bitcoin mining rig rentals deal with promises in a different way, feel free to do:

MRR. whoami().then(success=> success).catch(err=> err)

We recommend using as it makes the code more terse. will resolve the promise in a synchronous manner that allows one to expect deterministic behavior.

If than you are good to go!

Check out the rest of the documentation to see what else you can do!


Https://oipwg. github. io/miningrigrentals-api-v2/

Services Provided

Nicehash alternative - miningrigrentals. com

All in all, it looks like a cool service. The problem I have with the video provided is that he shows that he could make $36/day mining on his own and with his rig rented out, he gets $39. I believe that Bitcoin mining rig rentals period is 12 Bitcoin mining rig rentals or so. I would think that this means that the person renting out your rig is not making any money and losing money. At the end of his video he talks about how he is trying out their rental and will update us on the progress of it.

Someone has to not be Bitcoin mining rig rentals as much money as they possibly could be.

To break it down using the information he provided:

    His rig makes $36/dayRenter pays $39 for 12 hours of his rig.

That means the renter would only make $18 from his $39 investment.

Maybe I missed something but that’s how I see it. Good for the rig owner, bad for the renter.

Now for the rig owners, there will be competition in setting a lower fee rental but you could be underselling yourself. Lots of factors here to consider.


MiningRigRentals. com Review - Best Cloud Mining - Bitcoin & Crypto Mining Comparison

Refund Policy

Our system accurately Tracks accepted shares. Shares are the units of Work marked as completed at YourPool made by the rig.

The work expected for a rental is pre-computed at the begining of the rental. For a normal length rental we display this as the "average hashrate", the value reflects the work received during the active length of the rental. Average hashrate is tied to the rental length, if the rental length varies through purchased extensions or a rental Bitcoin mining rig rentals, we show the average during the active length, not the total length. This means that the average can show a value, but if there was remaining time cancelled, the actual total work received does not reflect the "average hashrate", but is lower since the total time was expected. These values are used to compute the total work received when issueing any refunds.

Note That a rental is considered completed, or satisfied when the Bitcoin mining rig rentals time of the rental has elspased and the average hashrate is 100% or above, no refunds will be issued, unless there was a gross over or understatement of the hashrate by the rig owner.

There are Two components in a Rental, Bitcoin mining rig rentals component is the Rig, the Bitcoin mining rig rentals is the Pool.

We do not offer refunds for pool related issues, as it is YourResponsibility to add stable, online and working pools using the correct work difficulties for the rented rig. Utilizing our backup pool system significantly reduces pool related hash-rate loss. 

The Second Bitcoin mining rig rentals to a rental is the Rig. If the rig is Offline For some period (shown on the graphs as orange bar and no hashrate), or if the rig consistently shows a pattern of not hashing at the Advertised speed, Specifically when not rented, we use that data to calculate eligibility for a refund.

Refunds are Prorated​ based on the diffrence between the work expected for the length of the rental purchaced, and the shares accepted by your pool. If the rig owner extends your rental to cover for losses, that time is added to the total work recieved. 

We do not offer full refunds, generally speaking. A full refund can only occur if the rig was offline 100% of the time and did not produce any shares at your pool. 


Should you need a refund for partially delivered hash rate and or downtime, please wait until the rental completes and then simply open a ticket for our review. Please open this ticket within 12 hours of the rental completing or we will not be able to refund you since the rig owner is then paid after 12 hours and there will be Bitcoin mining rig rentals funds for a refund: This is our rental holding period, it is assumed that after 12 hours and if there have been no disputes, the rig owner is paid as the contract is considered complete. 

Bitcoin mining rig rentals we review the rental we will refund exactly what you are owed as a percentage of the average hashrate, based on factors relating to rig owner issues like being offline, or low hashrate that can be determined Bitcoin mining rig rentals reviewing the hashrate of their other rentals or non rented periods. 

As a note, we do manually review all rentals within the 12 hour period and refund the offline time in rentals for which the rig was offline as a service to our renters. We generally only review rentals that complete below 97% of the average hashrate. 

We allow up to 3% variation in hashrate to rigs that consistently hash at their advertised rates to compensate for issues that are outside of the rig owners control such as pool latency, stale shares, rejects and other pool related issues that can and often do occur. Generally speaking, a rig should provide at least 100% of its advertised hashrate. As such, we specifically review each and every rental and should a rented rig show a consistent pattern of marginally less than advertised then we do not apply the grace range and refund accordingly.

If you rent a rig that shows offline status for at least 20 minutes during the Bitcoin mining rig rentals 30 minutes of the rental, the rental will be canceled and you will be refunded. This process is automatic, based on the rig showing as offline status, the rig not hashing is not the same Bitcoin mining rig rentals being offline. If the rig is online and not hashing, it will not auto cancel, as there is likely an issue with your pool.

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